In the News: October 7 and the rise of anti-Semitism around the world

Israel Hamas War On Kibbutz Nir Oz they killed burned kidnapped

October 7, 2023: “ A pogrom in the 21st century “, title point, which returns in detail to this day when “ the world has reached a peak of horror “. The weekly returns hour by hour on the events that took place that day, particularly in the kibbutz, such as that of Kfar Aza, “ where 77 of the 400 inhabitants of the village were killed “. The testimonies of survivors are numerous. They tell of the deluge of rockets, the bodies “ cut into pieces », the calls of terrified children to their mothers, while they are about to be taken hostage.

There is also the violence of the photos, the crime scenes, the bloody bodies. Of the ” hundreds of testimonials » were collected, specifies point, whose objective is clear: it is a question of “ confront the desire of some to minimize or relativize this pogrom of the 21st century, […] this day of infamy “.

It is ” the anti-Semitic danger », is alarmed Obs. In France, ” it keeps growing. […] Insults, swastika tags, threats against people, synagogues and schools “. And the “ fever ” East ” worldwide », adds the weekly which returns to the episode which occurred in Russia, at the Dagestan airport, “ when clusters of guys drunk with vengeance rushed onto a plane from Tel Aviv “. The Obs is worried about the Jews of this region of the Caucasus, “ 700 families still survive there. […] There is no doubt that after this aborted pogrom, the Caucasus will end up losing every last one of them. “.

The situation is serious but it no need to be afraid », Estimates Ginette Kolinka, almost 99 years old, survivor of the Shoah. “ We talk about a resurgence of anti-Semitism, but the reality is that it has always existed. We simply talk about it more perhaps during certain periods linked to conflicts. “, she said in an interview with Paris Match. And she is indignant: “ Before thinking about religion, let’s think about human beings. Do you believe that a mother reacts differently, whether she is Israeli or Palestinian, when she sees her child killed? ? No, today I put myself in the place of all the mothers who see their children being killed, without distinction.. »

A march against anti-Semitism in Paris

It’s the front page Tribune-Sunday, which displays photos of ten personalities who will participate in this march: writers, filmmakers, comedians, TV presenters. Personalities who are committed and “ support today’s republican mobilization », Explains the newspaper. Everyone expresses their motivation: “ I march because I am Jewish and because my people have never been so afraid “, says TV host Arthur.

Abandoning the fight against anti-Semitism to Jews is deeply racist », Estimates for her part the comedian Sophia Aram, who does not want to see the presence of the extreme right at this demonstration as a reason not to be one. “ The National Rally remains dangerousshe says, but his participation, […] cannot justify abandoning the terrain of anti-racism to these tartuffes for fear that the RN will become its spearhead. » Other personalities, in Today in France, they too are committed. Notably the Bishop of Nanterre Matthieu Rougé: “ For Catholicss, it is essential to be there. The fight against anti-Semitism is a commitment of yesterday, today and tomorrow. »

We must not forget Ukraine »

We must not forget Ukraine », This is the message that Olena Zelenska, the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, came to France. Dressed in black, she poses for the photo, in the Express, staring, without a smile. First of all, she wants to say that the Ukrainians “ share the suffering of the Israeli people. But, it is essential not to let the world’s attention turn away from Ukraine. We are already seeing that military aid to our country is arriving too slowly to bring about positive change on the front line.. » And she warns: “ Let’s think about what would happen if Ukraine had not held out. In our place, there would be Russia and hundreds of kilometers would come closer to you, to your homes. »

For his part, the Obs made the same observation. “ The war in Ukraine has so far kept the world in suspense, arousing the most visceral terrors and the most legitimate indignations. ” But ” world public opinion is growing tired of this conflict which is getting bogged down as winter approaches. How we get tired of a series with too many seasons, when the plot drags on and the twists and turns are rare “. And then add the ObsTHE ” terrible pogrom of October 7, with its tragic consequences and the possible conflagration of the religious militias of the Middle East, agitated by Iran, (this terrible pogrom therefore) launched another blockbusterwho hunts first “.
