“ A disaster »: this is howEl País in Madrid describes the political situation in France after the fall of the government last night Barnier. It’s a political impasse. And ” Meanwhile, the situation continues to deteriorate, points out the Spanish dailythe debt is colossal (it exceeds a thousand billion euros), the social climate is a powder keg, the demands of farmers, civil servants, retirees and employees are growing. No one can guarantee that the institutional and political structure will resist the combined pressure of the extreme right, the main force which alone brings together 11 million voters, and a political regime as shaky as it is unpredictable. Emmanuel Macron’s failure is resounding “.
“ Macronism is dead », adds the Corriere Della Sera in Rome. “ Because the red-brown alliance between the two opposing populisms has won, notes the Italian daily. (…) For the first time in the history of the Fifth Republic, the extreme left and the extreme right voted together. However, it will not be Le Pen and Mélenchon who will solve the collapse of purchasing power, the weakening of the middle class, and Europe’s incapacity in the face of wars on its borders. “.
Towards a grand coalition?
From now on, ” France is upside down », sighs Le Figaro in Paris. “ Politics is confined to categorical negotiations and Lilliputian combinations. It is therefore up to the Élysée to find a way to somewhat balance what is unstable, estimates the conservative daily. First, do not procrastinate for weeks, but appoint a new Prime Minister in a few days “. And “ the country being obviously on the right, we definitely don’t need a Prime Minister coming from the left “.
Exactly what now? It’s necessary ” a grand coalition, the only way out of French chaos », says The evening in Brussels. A ” grand coalition between the government forces, from right to left. This would require the Socialist Party to break away from the Insoumis. Is it so hard? », exclaims the Belgian daily. “ What still unites them is not noble: it is the fear, if they do not have a common candidate, of losing their votes in the municipal elections of 2026 and in future legislative elections in the event of another dissolution. HAS for a moment, history requires us to hold our heads high “.
Marine le Pen in a position of strength?
As for Marine Le Pen, “ she seems to want to put herself in a position of strength », points out New York Times. “ She wants to call a presidential election “.
Not sure she’s pulling the chestnuts out of the fire, retorts Release in Paris: “ by voting for censure, the leader of the National Rally returns to her first anti-system love and risks losing undecided voters or right-wing voters disappointed by LR, sensitive to the respectable image she has sought to build for years. In an already extremely worrying international context, concludes Liberation, throwing the country into a new period of political, economic and financial uncertainty on the eve of the end-of-year holidays, also risks being very unpopular. And leave traces “.