In the news: back to school, nothing is going well in French classes

In the news back to school nothing is going well

We were already discussing the subject yesterday, Tuesday September 12 but The world brings it back this morning on the front page of its paper edition: after the start of the school year, “ the lack of teachers is confirmed “. The newspaper takes up the bitter observation of two unions according to which “ there is a shortage of at least one teacher in one in two middle or high schools “. The world also collected testimonies from parents of students “ almost everywhere in France » who make the same assessment. “ The 2023 school year is organized in better conditions than that of 2022 », Yet affirmed the Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal at the end of August. Well no, ” the situation is similar to last school year” And “we must stop with broken promises », replied today the union of establishment heads in the columns of World.

A problem that is not limited to France

However, if the shortage of qualified teachers challenges France », also notes Le Figarothis is clearly not a Franco-French evil: “ The profession of professor would even experience a global crisis “. The daily cites as proof the annual report of the OECD – “Education at a Glance” – presented on Tuesday September 12 in Paris, in the presence of Gabriel Attal.

And this global crisis has been perceptible since 2018 but marked today by this shortage of teachers. “ This crisis “, for example, Germany knows it note Le Figaro. “Teachers there are paid twice as much as in France, but complain of a job that has become too demanding, of considerable administrative tasks, of parental pressure or even of the absence of prospects.”

Learning rhythms to review

And on the side of the students or rather the learning rhythms: we can also do better! In this OECD report, which therefore examines the different education systems. The echoes for their part, note that the little French “ have more hours to learn than elsewhere “, but there is nothing to rejoice about. “France is doing more but not better,” specifies the newspaper. “ She gives more hours to learn to read and count, but without obtaining better results ».

On the other hand, this should please little French people. With this report, Les Échos debunks a preconceived idea regarding school holidays. “ France has fewer summer holidays than the OECD average – eight weeks instead of nine “. With all due respect to Emmanuel Macron who had expressed the wish to shorten them, it is the intermediate holidays which “ are more numerous“.

Two tragedies that have left North Africa in mourning

French newspapers are also reporting on the two tragedies which left North Africa in mourning. There is the earthquake in Morocco of course, and there are the floods in Libya. Mentioned in our review of the African press this morning, we find it in France on the front page of Release. “ Floods in Libya, how many deaths? » asks the newspaper. “ Thousands of missing in an area cut off from the world: the human toll remains uncertain, but storm Daniel which devastated the east of the country on Sunday promises to be terribly deadly ”, we read.

In a country still divided because in the East, the daily reminds us, “ there are regions that do not recognize the Tripoli government », the government recognized by the international community. Now two rival governments, obviously, that “ complicates emergency management “.

The fugitive “Cryptoqueen”

The newspapers nicknamed her the “ crypto queen »… That is, the queen of crypto, in reference to cryptocurrencies. And it’s The world who presents it to us, as “ one of the most hunted people in the world “. Just that ! Her name Ruja Ignatova, she is Bulgarian, “ holds a doctorate in law from the German University of Konstanz, she published a dissertation and attended Oxford before working for five years at the consulting firm McKinsey “. But she was placed on Europol’s list of most wanted fugitives last year and is now in the FBI’s top 10.

So what did she do to deserve all this? Well, she would be neither more nor less the co-responsible of a “ vast financial scandal considered one of the biggest scams in history “, tell us The world. Ruja Ignatova is the co-founder of OneCoin, a cryptocurrency launched in 2015 that turned out to be a scam that claimed nearly three million victims worldwide. Amount of loot estimated by the American Department of Justice: more than 4 billion dollars. However, if his associate Karl Sebastian Greenwood, a 45-year-old British-Swede, was sentenced to twenty years in prison yesterday in the United States. Well, Ruja Ignatova is on the run. And for now, “ the FBI is offering a $100,000 bounty for anything that could lead to his arrest “. Do we ever know…
