In the news: after the dissolution, Emmanuel Macron crushed by the weekly press

President Emmanuel Macron announces the dissolution of the National Assembly

Marianne grapeshot “ Dr Folamour at the Élysée » – Rather than a duel « project versus project » with the extreme right, « Emmanuel Macron preferred the explosion » – « faced with defeat, he chose to brutalize the country, to deprive voters of necessary debates… all at the risk of dangerous instability » storms the sovereignist magazine.

Le Point re-presents the “ President-Narcisse » – « that he is so proud of his record leaves one perplexed about his lucidity » – it remains to be seen whether after “ having broken the mirror “, Macron-Narcisse will attack ” to the real problems of the country » – like the restoration of public finances for the conservative magazine. This assumes that he has a majority, which seems uncertain “.

The accusation of narcissism returns in the ObsIn the ExpressIn Alter Eco…and also in this drawing of Marianne : the caricatured French president sitting at his desk, face pressed against a mirror… “ No, but what a genius! » he marvels in front of his reflection – around him, the columns of the Republic and the National Assembly are ravaged by the blue, white and red flames of the National Rally.

Incendiary »: the word crosses the face of Emmanuel Macron, on the cover of Humanity Magazine – the left-wing newspaper squeaks: “ As a good banker, Emmanuel Macron imports speculation into the political world with all the dangers that this entails. »

There is therefore little indulgence towards the head of state

The Express evokes Emmanuel Macron’s taste for risk on its front page – with this illustration: a time bomb displaying D-20, the countdown between the dissolution of the Assembly and the first round of early legislative elections.

The center-right weekly asks: “ in twenty days, will the French be able to reinvent politics? the spectacle is more about political nonsense (…) than the emergence of a spirit of citizen resistance “.

Emmanuel Macron takes it for granted: “ Neither Jacques Chirac, nor Nicolas Sarkozy, nor François Hollande had made the National Front grow so much – none had played so much with fire “. And The Express to fear “ a dark Sunday July 7 “… to prevent it” Emmanuel Macron must understand that France’s dice are not all in his hands. »

For his part, M rewinds the president’s televised speech last Sunday:

What do you see ? » asks the magazine World

A suicidal president, an arsonist, a fine strategist? (…) All of this at the same time ? (…) Only one thing cannot be discussed: Emmanuel Macron was in black at the time of the tragedy “.

This drama played out behind the scenes

Le Point, L’ObsAnd M unfold “ the secret history of a historic decision »… M tells us thus: The Sorcerers’ Apprentices of Dissolution » – this discreet entourage of the president who wrote the script, performed last week.

One figure stands out: Bruno Roger-Petit, memory advisor to the Elysée, who intends to rake in the territory of the hardest right. M notes that “ BRP, as it is called, has the luxury of implying that dissolution is its choice “.

A kamikaze dissolution » vituperate the Obs who hands his microphone to the members of the outgoing majority – some are not tender towards their champion: “ He’s completely crazy » says a Parisian elected official.

Emmanuel Macron explains that “ this decision was necessary » in an interview with Figaro Magazine. “ I say to the French: don’t be afraid, go vote (…) The time has come for clarification » assures the one who also admits not having “ never believed in polls “.

In view of the legislative elections, the other camps are preparing

The National Rally activates its Matignon Plan details Pointthat is to say the express investitures of potential deputies in addition to the 88 outgoing members of the Assembly.

The conservative weekly probes the resistance of the state apparatus: for this prefect “ the machine will not obstruct » in the event of a victory for the far right. A connoisseur tempers: “ there will not be more than 200 RN deputies, this will force the others to agree “.

Understanding is the challenge of the left and the new Popular Front is moving forward the Obs. But there is a problem: Jean-Luc Mélenchon… described as “ a cumbersome ally » of the socialists, and that the RN and the presidential camp “ will camp as a scarecrow “.

This specter of discord arouses the “ democratic nightmare ” of the Obs :

Jordan Bardella climbing the steps of the Matignon hotel four at a time » sign of « the coming to power of the first far-right government of the Fifth Republic “.
