In the new trailer, the survival hit shows what is probably the most dangerous area in the game so far

The survival hit Valheim now shows first impressions of the new area in a trailer. The Ashlands expansion is already playable.

What area is this about? Players can now explore a new area in Valheim. This is described by the developers themselves as the most dangerous area in the game so far.

In addition to new locations, the Ashlands expansion also brings new weapons, enemies and a few other innovations into the game. You can take a first look at Ashlands in the current trailer:

Valheim shows off fiery areas of the new Ashlands expansion

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The new expansion is already playable on Valheim’s public test servers. So if you want to explore the new areas, you don’t even have to wait anymore.

Why is the area so dangerous? There is actually no official statement as to why the new area should be the most dangerous in the game. Just the announcement that this is how it should be.

But if you then look at the trailer, it could already have the answer. The new Ashlands biome is a gloomy but particularly hot area. Lava lakes and boiling waters await you, which can only be crossed by the best and most solid ships. You should not approach this area unprepared and careless.

Everything is fiery in the Ashlands

In addition to places where sparks can rain, equally fiery opponents await you. For example, you can see some skeletons in the trailer that seem to be burning themselves.

At the same time, patch 0.218.9 also gives you a selection of over 30 new, deadly swords, bows and axes for your fight against these nasty opponents. There are over 70 new objects in the building system that will hopefully make your survival in the Ashlands a little easier.

You can read all patch notes on the official website (via

What does the community say? Not only do players seem incredibly excited for the new update, but they are already ready to put a lot of time into exploring the Ashlands. In their comments under the trailer (via YouTube), many players expressed their excitement about the update.

We have compiled some of these comments for you here:

  • Pinpadprompts writes: “Hell yeah. Time to quit my job, alienate my dependent family and play Ashlands.”
  • CaptainCrumbs writes: “We are 12 confused Vikings, ready to set sail for Ashlands and probably die the second we arrive […] “It’s going to be so epic.”
  • jesseenck2687 writes: “I honestly haven’t been this excited since I was a kid”
  • kocan94 writes: “This is fucking like Christmas”
  • What do you think of the new content? Do you think you’re ready for the Ashlands? Feel free to write in the comments.
