In the headlines: nostalgia for Alain Delon, the divided left, and the wait for the Paralympic Games

In the headlines nostalgia for Alain Delon the divided left

The nostalgia for the weeklies is embodied, through a face, a look, and also a ego immortalized by the Guignols of the Info :

These praises that Alain Delon will not have read, they cover the front pages and inside pages of the main weeklies – our colleagues at The Obs, from the pointof Figaro Magazineof The Expressof The Weekly Cross almost all trace the career and private life of the interpreter of the Samurai buried on August 24… of his complicated relationships with women and his children, and sometimes his troubled friendship with the far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Special reports which are above all an opportunity to bring out an icon from the past: Alain Delon, bare-chested, soaked in sweat and salt water, his muscles tensed at the helm of the sailboat where the drama of Full SunThe actor lends his charm and dark gaze to Tom Ripley, the antihero of René Clément’s film shot in Italy 65 years ago.

L’Humanity Magazine goes back three decades on his side

With an interview with a rapper who has become rare.

MC Solaar will make his umpteenth return to the Fête de l’Humanité, 32 years after his last appearance at the festival… And in this interview, the nostalgic rapper with bucolic accents deplores the rise of the extreme right in France: ” The more authoritarian the regimes, the less culture has the right to speak. “, he says… MC Solaar who wants to leave room for “ecological questions” in his texts. He will be on stage in three weeks at the festival of the left-wing newspaper.

The French left fascinated by dictators according to The Express

The liberal weekly features Stalin, Mao, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot on its front page… Anti-capitalists are fond of socialist regimes that are often bloody “… the opportunity for The Express to curry “ 21st century socialism promoted by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, [qui] ended like the experiences of the 20th century: in dictatorship “.

And the magazine draws a “disastrous assessment” of Fidel Castro, Nicolas MaduroAnd Evo Morales accused of having “ caused misery and chaos » in Latin America… The Express is concerned about a potential arrival of ” Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his clique ” in power, drawing a link between the Latin American socialist leaders and the Insoumis described as “ danger for [la France] “.

It would also be necessary to ” turn the page on Macron and Mélenchon, abandon Jupiter and Robespierre “: the words are from Raphaël Glucksmann in an interview with PointThe MEP, described as ” new champion of social democracy “, ” calls on the left to finally break with La France Insoumise ” according to the conservative weekly. Raphaël Glucksmann who sees the New Popular Front as a ” electoral action unity against the extreme right “.

Following this interview with Raphaël Glucksmann, another interview, other tackles in The Pointthose of Sophia Aram. The comedian denigrates the ” Mélenchonist sect ” And “ the submission of the social democrats “. Sophia Aram who shouts “ a totalitarian and stupid extreme left “who allows himself” the same violence as the extreme right “, according to her.

Lucie Castets tries to exist for Matignon

Long format in The Obs and in The Express on the 37-year-old senior civil servant, who was propelled as the New Popular Front’s candidate for Prime Minister. The defender of public services who debates with the NFP parties and struggles with their divisions. L’Obs reveals that Lucie Castets ” working hard » : « working groups ” Who ” are working on action plans in terms of purchasing power, education, health, ecological transition ” Economist Lucas Chancel is part of ” this Castets team “which aims to achieve” to concrete measures that can be put on the table as soon as Lucie is appointed ” he said. Another of Lucie Castets’s close friends confided: ” We are preparing a scenario where she would be called in a few months, after the fall of a right-wing government. “.

The appointment of the new Prime Minister, which could happen after the Paralympic Games…

The sporting break which could be extended… in a beautiful photo report by Louis Canadas, Mthe magazine of Worldretraces the images of the Olympic Games, ” a suspended moment » who has « transformed the capital into an ideal city ” The photojournalist crisscrossed Paris throughout the fortnight and captured the fervour and popular celebration of the Olympic Games, as during the cycle race followed by thousands of spectators who transformed the Butte Montmartre into Alpe-d’Huez for a day.

No nostalgia, however, in The Mag Team. The sports newspaper supplement is already in Paralympic mode. Portraits of the visually impaired triathlete Thibaut Rigaudeau and his guide Cyril Viennot… their events: 750 meters of swimming in the Seine attached by an elastic band, 20 kilometers of tandem cycling, and 5 kilometers of running attached by the waist. The starting signal is on September 2 from the Pont Alexandre-III. To win, you therefore need a lot of complicity, as confirmed by the French Thibaut Rigaudeau and Cyril Viennot. Sometimes even a little too much: on Instagram, Cyril Viennot, former world champion among able-bodied people, laughs about it: ” When you are a guide for a visually impaired athlete, you have to love teaching. I succeeded brilliantly. [en refilant] my gastroenteritis at Thibaut last week “.

The Cross The Weekly also puts itself ” in the wheels of our champions ” on the occasion of an immersive report with the French wheelchair tennis team. Three months of preparation with captain Yannick Noah and these players who want to be part of the Paralympic selection. Among them, Stéphane Houdet, 53 years old, triple Paralympic doubles champion. The veteran does not want to pass the baton to the younger generation, in a world where sport and performance take precedence over disability.

But sometimes it is the infrastructure that keeps disabled people in line: The Express looks back at these Parisian transport systems that are still inaccessible to people with so-called reduced mobility, men and women in wheelchairs or half-paralyzed who have to deal with the metro, hundreds of steps, broken escalators and the absence of elevators… 22 million euros have been invested to adapt nearly 1,800 bus stops. A disappointment for these users, given that only 29 of the 320 metro stations in the Paris region network are fully accessible. The APF France Handicap association is angry: ” Why is France not capable of this? ” comparing Paris to London, which has managed to make its metro accessible to 18% (for 272 stations), despite an older network buried deeper than that of Paris.

In The Leopard, Alain Delon, playing Tancred, said: “ everything must change so that nothing changes “.

When it comes to transport and accessibility in Paris, we can say: nothing changes so that nothing changes.
