In the footsteps of the African soldiers of the Provence landings

In the footsteps of the African soldiers of the Provence

Eighty years ago, more than 250,000 fighters landed in Provence, in the south-east of France, two and a half months after D-Day in Normandy, to liberate the country occupied by Nazi Germany. In the ranks of this French Army B, more than half of the soldiers came from the former French colonies in Africa… On August 15, 1944, these men, who had come from far away, set foot on the lands of Provence; then, guided by the Resistance, they liberated the villages one after the other before reaching the port of Toulon, their objective.

“In the footsteps of the African soldiers of the Provence landings”, a major report by Théa Ollivier and Valentin Hugues.
