in the face of the malaise of young people, initiatives to fight against depression

in the face of the malaise of young people initiatives

An edifying survey published Tuesday, February 14 by Public Health France shows that depressive disorders have almost doubled among young people in the space of four years. In France, several associations are facing ever more requests for support and are trying to help the teenagers concerned.

The social isolation caused by repeated confinements has spared no one, with young people on the front line. According to the last Weekly epidemiological bulletin published by Public Health France on Tuesday February 14, the overall number of French in depression experiences an increase unprecedented since 2017. But the most worrying finding is among young adults: the proportion of 18-24 year olds affected by depression has jumped 80% in four years, from 11.7% in 2017, to 20, 8% in 2021.

If the mental health of adolescents seems to have taken such a hit in recent years, it is, according to the study, due to the ” stress caused by Covid-19 » and « restrictions imposed to subdue him. Extended period of isolation, exacerbated loneliness, growing precariousness… Xavier Vanderplancke, activity director of the House of adolescents (MDA) of Lyon, also retains the depression linked to Covid-19 as one of the explanations for the malaise of young people. ” In one year, we had almost a 30% increase in the number of requests, and especially young people with anxiety disorders “, he reports.

Beyond the ” loss of bearings “Generated by the Covid, the director of this associative place of listening also explains these figures by the context of eco-anxiety. ” Over the past four years, it has become very difficult for young people to project themselves into a future marked by climate change, war, inflation, the stress of studies… These concerns lead some to no longer be able to leave their homes. »

An observation shared by Sébastien Kfoury, 26-year-old administrator of the association Nightline, which offers an overnight crisis line for students. For him, we must not forget the visibility of mental health and the greater ease with which some young people express their distress today. ” As we talk about it more, we also bring to light a problem that already exists. For example, after passing Stromae on TF1 in January 2022 to sing his piece hell [qui aborde le sujet des pensées suicidaires], we had a spike in calls. »

Listen and support young adults

Requests which are growing, while almost every French department has at least one House for adolescents, all of which have been in development since 2004. These are care structures bringing together both health professionals and specialized facilitators to allow a ” global care thought around the teenager », says Xavier Vanderplancke.

On site, young people aged 11 to 25 are welcomed free of charge, without an appointment, and can meet suitable staff to “ understand their suffering “. They offer adolescents who pass the doorstep individual or collective interviews, to enlighten them on questions of health, violence, body, education…” We are also working on the stigma associated with seeing a psychologist “, continues the director of the MDA of Lyon.

The key word of these places: listening. Listening in classic interviews, but also during collective mediations and workshops, especially for young people who are sometimes very mute or in a situation of psychological suffering. Clothing customization modules, physical workshops around body expression, relaxation but also plastic creation… All to answer the same question: “ How by taking care of the hands, can one then free the head and the word? How, through creations on paper, do we manage to express things better than through words? », describes Xavier Vanderplancke.

Also, according to the Public Health France survey, 26.5% of young women have depressive disorders, compared to 15.2% of men aged 18-24. But according to Xavier Vanderplancke, these figures do not mean that boys are less affected. ” It’s cultural. Young men find it even more difficult to express their discomfort. Yes, we receive more girls at the MDA, but we don’t see all these boys who are in bad shape and who are not able to handle it. “, he analyzes.

Solutions for young people, by young people

The association Nightline, created in 2016, has taken up the challenge of offering a solution for young people, by young people. This helpline for students is available every evening from 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. ” The evening is the time when you are at home, all alone, you can have episodes of loneliness and dark thoughts more easily “, maintains Sébastien Kfoury, spokesperson.

Nightline is based on two principles: active listening and “peer-help”, that is to say the mutual aid that people affected by the same problem can provide. ” The idea is to be able to give back a role to students, in taking charge of their mental health and that of others. For this, all listening volunteers are trained and selected. After each call received, the groups discuss together, externalize their thoughts themselves and can have access to psychologists.

As its spokesperson points out, the association is not intended to replace health professionals. ” We don’t advise, we don’t say what to do or not. We simply come to ask questions, and refer to external services if the person requests it. “, assures Sébastien Kfoury. A simple attentive ear to combat loneliness and provide a little companionship. ” As a general rule, we give the student time to tell us what he wants, at the pace he wants. But if the person talks about immediate suicide, we try to get their location and call the emergency services. “, he adds.

In addition, the association has set up a life kit to take care of one’s mental health and be attentive to that of others (videos, tests to analyze one’s feelings, etc.). She also participates in festivals or school open houses to trivialize the subject, and equips preparatory class teachers to detect signs of distress in their students.

A saturated psychiatric care system

However, as the study by Public Health France indicates, “ a large proportion of depressive episodes do not give rise to contact with the healthcare system “. Indeed, Xavier Vanderplancke and Sébastien Kfoury both deplore a health system ” undersized » to the needs of young people.

The Maison des adolescents normally intervenes upstream of the treatment. Except that the psychiatric health system is so saturated today that it cannot absorb all the growing demand. We therefore find ourselves isolated, faced with young people who require much greater care than what the MDA offers. We must therefore delay until a real follow-up can be envisaged. sighs Xavier Vanderplancke.

Likewise, the association Nightline calls for more psychologists to be mobilized in universities, and for more financial resources to be deployed on this issue. For Sébastien Kfoury, solidarity between young people and the idea of ​​” peer-help remains a non-negligible alternative to try to fight against depressive episodes.

In addition to the Teenage Centers and initiatives like Nightlinethe authorities have also deployed over the years some devices dedicated to young people and their mental health, such as the anonymous and free service “ Young Health Yarn », accessible every day from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. and led by doctors and psychologists (on 0800 235 236).

► Also to listen: Mental health in the northern districts: access to care has become impossible
