in the Eure, Marine Le Pen proposes a “referendum revolution”

A dose of proportionality in the legislative elections and a referendum if 500,000 voters demand it. 12 days before the second round of the presidential election in France, Marine Le Pen defended her institutional project on Tuesday in Eure.

After Soucy, Vernon. For her second trip since qualifying for the second round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen chose this town in Eure, an hour’s drive from Paris, which she sees as a ” Mecca of yellow vests “. After a first day of campaigning between two rounds on the themes of rurality and purchasing power, the candidate of the National Rally proposed this time a ” referendum revolution “.

Marine Le Pen is convinced that she has the answer to the uneasiness of some French people. Its recipe: a dose of proportional representation and a popular initiative referendum, this RIC at the heart of the demands of the demonstrators during the social crisis that shook Macron’s five-year term in 2018/2019. Marine Le Pen sees in this cocktail the democratic cure that the country needs. ” I am convinced that if the citizens’ initiative referendum had existed, there would probably not have been the yellow vests “, she says.

The candidate had tried to surf on the challenge of yellow vests, without success, recalls Julien Chavanne, from the political service of RFI. Twelve days before the second round, she is therefore trying her luck again to try to capture the undecided. His proposal is also aimed at the electorate of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third with 22% of the vote, and whom each of the two opponents is now trying to seduce.

Taking a distance with Eric Zemmour

To better reassure these voters whose vote in the second round will be decisive, and despite her program which, in particular on immigration, remains radical, the candidate of the National Rally is striving to further smooth her image. She therefore wants to stand out from Eric Zemmour, the former polemicist who obtained 7% of the votes and called to vote for her. On the antenna of France Inter this Tuesday morning, she ruled out the possibility of integrating it into her government in the event of victory.

But there is no question of leaving him a place in the campaign between the two rounds. ” In the second round of a presidential election, there is no ally or adversary. I rejoice every time someone expresses the wish to vote for me, but the Fifth Republic wants the presidential election to be the meeting between a man or a woman and the people. “, she justifies.

Even sanitary airlock with her niece Marion Maréchal, whom she was still ready to welcome into her government a year ago. Today, it is no longer a question. The vote of the zemmourists is acquired anyway, Marine Le Pen knows it. No need to force the signal to his right.

As for the president-candidate Emmanuel Macron who said on Monday ready to back down on its pension reform, Marine Le Pen warns: beware, scam. The far-right candidate sees in this ad ” an end-of-election maneuver aimed at mitigating the very strong and well-justified criticism emanating in particular from left-wing voters towards a program which is overall a social carnage. The hunt for leftist votes is open until April 24.

