In the DRC, hundreds of escapees after the attack on a prison in North Kivu

In the DRC hundreds of escapees after the attack on

In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the Kakwangura prison in Butembo (North Kivu) was attacked last night by heavily armed militiamen and rebels. At least 700 detainees, including death row inmates and armed group fighters, are wanted.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

Violent and rapid, the attack was carried out like a Hollywood movie. The attackers, who came from the territory of Beni, appeared in excess around 2 a.m., with more than 80 heavily armed men, according to the spokesman for the armed forces in the region, Captain Anthony Mwalushay. The prison is located in one of the most secure perimeters of the city. But after fifteen minutes, the assailants broke down the prison doors and opened the cells. Exchanges of fire took place with a dozen police officers. The army admits having intervened late: when it arrived, the cells were already empty.

Two police officers and an assailant were killed. The army initially attributed the attack to Mayi-Mayi militiamen before indicating that it was staged and carried out by ADF fighters with some reinforcements from local militiamen. The army announces that 817 prisoners escaped, but during the day 115 were recaptured.

The strength of the enemy, estimated at more than 80 elements, operated for 15 minutes

This attack, a first for the ADF in Butembo and in Lubero territory, had a dual objective. According to the military authorities, the rebels came to free one of their companions and twelve wives of their commanders who were languishing in the dungeons. These prisoners were about to be transferred to other provinces. The other objective, still according to the army, is recruitment. ADF fighters take advantage of such operations to indoctrinate captives to strengthen their ranks.

The authorities say they have launched operations to capture the 700 fugitives. According to several witnesses, the assailants withdrew from the town. Some carrying the wounded, others looting goats, sheep and chickens as they go. In the aftermath, the population lynched three assailants.

Repeated escapes

The attack-escape from Butembo prison is far from being an isolated case. There are several for the year 2017 alone for example. And after this new drama, the national deputy Juvénal Munubo pleads for a reform of the prison system.

It’s repetitive, it’s either in Butembo, or in Goma, or in Bukavu, or in Kasai. It should appeal to decision makers. But at the same time, it is not surprising when we see the conditions of detention in the DRC, the security around and within the prisons […] We need a reform plan

Interview with Juvenal Munubo
