In the coming weeks, Google will bring together its two instant messaging applications, Google Duo and Google Meet, in order to clarify its offer and, above all, to simplify video calls with a single solution.

In the coming weeks Google will bring together its two

In the coming weeks, Google will bring together its two instant messaging applications, Google Duo and Google Meet, in order to clarify its offer and, above all, to simplify video calls with a single solution.

Google is changing its strategy in services for video calls. In the coming weeks, the Internet giant will merge its two instant messaging applications, Google Duo and Google Meet, in order to simplify their use. Simplification is the whole point. It must be said that the firm has been struggling for many years to develop a coherent messaging system and that it has offered many applications, such as Google Hangouts, Google Chat or even Google Allo, which were all abandoned by the company after only a few years.

Google Duo and Google Meet: similar apps for different audiences

Today, you have the choice between Google Meet and Google Duo, two very similar applications but still having notable differences, mainly in terms of their intended use. Indeed, Google Meet is a videoconference meeting service intended for both web browsers and mobile devices (Android and iOS) and which mainly targets teams and people in a work and professional environment. You have to pay to get access to all the advanced and important trading features. Google Duo, on the contrary, is completely free. It’s the equivalent of Apple’s FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Skype. You can make audio and video calls via your phone number, with mobile data or via WiFi.

A meeting on Google Meet © Wikipedia Commons

Recently, the very strong competition with Zoom and Microsoft Teams has forced Google to invest heavily in its video conferencing software. In two years, the company has added many features to Google Meet. The app is now integrated with gmail and following Google Workspace, which allows you to create a meeting from any service. The Google Meet brand is now strong enough that Google announces the demise of Google Duo and its merger with the video conferencing software.

Duo and Meet: a complicated merger for a simplified result

In the coming weeks, Google will integrate Google Meet functions into Google Duo, such as virtual funds, content sharing, a meeting format with text discussions, and the ability to schedule appointments. These “professional” functions will not encroach on more personal ones, such as filters and effects during calls. Call history, contacts and messages will remain in place. The goal is to offer more consistency with a single application bringing together all the video call functions.

In a blog post, Google explains its choice: “As part of our ongoing investment to help people stay connected, and to adapt to the changing needs of our users, we will be enhancing the Duo experience to add all the features of Google Meet. This experience integrated will offer our users a single service for both calls and video meetings with everyone “.

Eventually, Google Duo is destined to become Google’s only video calling app… but under the name Google Meet. To put it simply, Google Duo will be rebranded by the end of the year as Google Meet, while the current Google Meet will become Google Meet Original. This last application will gradually become obsolete, until all its users switch to the other platform.
