In the Caribbean, the tour of Prince William and Kate Middleton turns to discomfiture

In the Caribbean the tour of Prince William and Kate

In the Caribbean, the tour of Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton has just ended. The grandson of the Queen of England Elizabeth II visited several Commonwealth countries in this region, an international organization bringing together the former British colonies. The objective is to strengthen the links between the Crown and its former colonies, on the occasion of the 70 years of reign of Elizabeth II. But the operation is not really a success.

It is not for lack of having tried: since his arrival last Sunday, Prince William has multiplied the pledges of good faith. During his last stopover, Friday March 25 in the Bahamas, he gave a speech to Prime Minister Philip Davis.

With Jamaica celebrating its 60th anniversaryindependence this year, and Belize which celebrated 40 years of independence last year, I would like to say this: ‘We support with pride and respect your decisions concerning your future’ “, did he declare.

It must be understood that the Crown will support the three states even if they decide to no longer recognize Queen Elizabeth II as their sovereign. Funny way to celebrate his 70 years of reign.

Colonial look »

This concession badly hides the fiasco of this tour. Earlier this week, the princely helicopter was prevented from landing in Belize, where protesters gathered. They were protesting against the colonial aspect of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

It’s the same story in Jamaica, the second stopover, where the prince was greeted by signs that read: ” apologize “. A reference to slavery in which the Crown participated.

At the heart of the outcry, a symbol, a photo. William and Kate Middleton shake hands with several Jamaican children, but a fence separates them. This tour was supposed to strengthen the ties, it only had the effect of further alienating the Caribbean from the Crown.

►Also read: Slavery: Prince William apologizes during a tour of Commonwealth countries
