in the Assembly, the RN still isolated – L’Express

in the Assembly the RN still isolated – LExpress

The cord bends but does not break. This Thursday, at the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen’s group once again paid the price. A year after his massive entry into Parliament, most of the opposition groups continue to surround him with this damn cordon santé. However, they had tried to trap their competitors. Endometriosis, political asylum for Julien Assange, inclusive writing, bone tests for foreign minors in an irregular situation… This year, the deputies of the National Rally had drawn from their proposals consensual texts, others directly modeled on requests from the right, hoping to force other groups to position themselves to avoid a hypocrisy trial. But when it doesn’t… None of the legislative proposals proposed by the far-right party were ultimately adopted at the end of the day.

Even before the examination of the texts began in the Assembly, almost no group had played the game. The amendments tabled regarding the frontist texts were all deletion amendments. And it was in a deserted hemicycle that this parliamentary theater began, with a bill aimed at supporting women who suffer from endometriosis. The majority questioned the advisability of voting for this text. In a group meeting, nearly 80% of Renaissance deputies were in favor of a vote against. We then pinned down a poorly constructed text, more of a communication tool than an instrument for protecting women. “This PPL is good neither in substance nor in form,” said MP Véronique Riotton in the chamber this Thursday.

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This front opposed by the majority is ambivalent. It mixes moral and technical considerations. Morales, because certain deputies refuse on principle to vote for a text supported by the extreme right. “It is out of the question to encourage its institutional entry,” judges Renaissance MP Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade. “We must oppose what comes from the RN,” adds Essonne elected official Robin Reda. “If we do it case by case, we lose the thread of political coherence and the ball will be endless.”

The RN, self-proclaimed martyr of the Assembly

On a case by case basis, some are tempted to do so, for fear of being accused of dogmatism. This position is strong within the Horizons group. “There is no reason not to vote for a well-crafted RN text. If we say that the RN is not accessible, we lose some of the people,” confided a member of the RN party in September. Edouard Philippe. From words to actions, the step has not been taken. Never has a majority deputy voted for a PPL emanating from the National Rally. The rhetoric can change, the result is the same: the RN is isolated.

READ ALSO >>In the Assembly, Macronie is struggling to damage the image of the RN: “They don’t speak…”

And Marine Le Pen’s group delights in it. His niche, moreover, had almost been designed for this purpose. In all cases we are winners, maintains the group’s general secretary at the Assembly Renaud Labaye. If they vote for our texts it is proof that we are capable of moving things forward on different subjects, if they do not do so, even though they are in agreement with our proposals, it is proof that they are once again locked in their sectarianism.” So here are the frontist deputies who take turns at the podium, accusing the left and the majority of sectarianism, hypocrisy and posturing. And here is the RN, self-proclaimed martyr of the The Assembly, puts on its white knight’s clothes, those of a party which, in reverse mirror of its adversaries, would put the interests of the French before political postures.

No more sanitary cordon for the right

The RN, winning every time, really? The right has sensed the trap. Oppose, at the risk of being sued for sectarianism. Doubling, even if it means offering a political victory to an adversary. Between these two (modest) evils, the right chose the second. “We have a single course of action: to vote for what seems useful to us for the French, wherever it comes from in the National Assembly,” assured the boss of LR deputies Olivier Marleix on October 3.

The subject has a minor strategic stake. The right no longer opposes a discourse of values ​​to the National Rally (RN), contrary to the Chirac years. She hardly has the impression of crossing a red line by voting for an RN text that she approves. No moral dilemma here. Her only fear is to offer a patent of credibility to a training whose lack of technical skills she mocks. Above all, do not offer them an assessment. The burial of the RN bill proposals is ideal for her. She can brandish her consistency as a standard and joke about the defeat of Marine Le Pen. “The strategy of the Republican dike is bad, summarizes an LR strategist. Now, their failure suits us. It shows that they are of no use.” In fact, like last year, the parliamentary niche ends without any text adopted for the National Rally. QED?
