In the accident, the battery pack of the Audi e-tron was separated from the vehicle.

In the accident the battery pack of the Audi e tron

A very interesting situation happened in an accident that occurred abroad, after the impact, the battery pack of the Audi e-tron was separated from the vehicle.

electric car The very large and heavy battery packs of the models are at the bottom. These sections came to the fore with the frequent fires in the past years. This time, something very different happened. As you can see in the Reddit video below, the battery of the electric SUV model Audi e-tron, which hit a Toyota brand vehicle at high speed, directly separated from the hull. This really surprised and revealed a frightening situation. The heavy battery pack fortunately did not hit another vehicle on the road or a pedestrian on the roadside, because if that had happened the outcome of the accident would have been much worse (Drivers involved in the accident are in good condition) could have. Experts say that the separation of the battery pack from the body after the accident is most likely the first time it has been seen. There is no explanation from Audi about this, but there may be a play on the e-tron involved in the accident or there is a serious assembly / production problem in the vehicle. it could be.

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Before that, a Tesla with the steering wheel made a noise while driving. Because a Model Y in the USA steering wheel came off while driving. Fortunately, there was no accident or loss of life after this situation. Another downside to this very dangerous problem was the firm’s approach to the process.. After the owner of the vehicle informed the company, Tesla began to investigate the situation and even though it had its own manufacturing defects, it sent the owner a $103 invoice for the repair. The driver, specific to the event he experienced and the situation that developed after it. “We lost our trust in Tesla. We want this car back and full refund. We think safety is more important than a car full of technological features.” he wrote.
