In Sudan, the looting of the national museum in Khartoum confirmed by the authorities

In Sudan the looting of the national museum in Khartoum

After a long silence, Sudanese officials in the museum and archaeology sector have officially confirmed the looting of the National Museum in Khartoum, the most important in Sudan, which houses a collection of 100,000 objects ranging from prehistory to the Islamic period and from all the civilizations of the Nile Valley.

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For several weeks, Sudanese internet users have been spreading information, photos and videos claiming that the Sudanese National Museum had been looted by the Rapid Support Forces, paramilitaries who have been opposing the army in Sudan since April 15, 2023 and who control large areas of the capital.

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Senior officials from the museum sector have therefore confirmed that a ” large looting operation ” targeted the National Museum and other museums in the capital. Satellite images captured in January 2024 by military intelligence show three trucks in front of the National Museum, our journalist reports Houda Ibrahim. These same trucks are found in South Kordofan, heading towards South Sudan.

These objects are of inestimable value. They have a cultural importance for our country, for generations to come. It is part of our life, our history. “, reacted the former Sudanese ambassador to Canada, Tarig Abusalih, who worked in this museum. The paramilitaries are responsible for this looting, although other individuals may have also been behind it, the museum is in an area under their control, so they are responsible for its security ” he says to our journalist’s microphone Alexandra Brangeon.

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According to Ghalia Jar Al-Nabi, director of the country’s National Commission for Relics and Museums, some of the looted pieces are on sale in an area bordering South Sudan. Another part is on display for sale on the soil of this neighboring country. Speaking to the Sudanese online daily on Monday Al Rakoubashe assured that her institution had photos of these pieces during the operation to sell them.

Human memory plundered

For her part, Ikhlas Abdellatif, curator of the national museum and member of the commission for the fight against looting, indicated that it was not only ” of local memory, but of human memory “.

Sudan has reported to UNESCO, Interpol and all international institutions involved in the fight against the looting of historical remains in an attempt to prevent any possible illicit sale of these looted pieces. Sudanese internet users and archaeologists have reported their sale on the darknet and even on eBay.

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Speaking to the Saudi channel Al HadathIkhlas Abdellatif also drew attention to the total looting of the museum in Nyala, capital of the state of South Darfur: ” Even the display cases, newly imported just before the war, were stolen. ” she said.

The Nyala Museum and National Museum buildings are currently being used as offices by the Rapid Support Forces. On June 2, 2023, the Rapid Support Forces fighters entered the National Museum, filmed themselves with their weapons inside the museum, posing next to mummies and other antiques. They unashamedly posted these images on social media themselves.

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