In Sudan, many parties absent from the national dialogue

In Sudan many parties absent from the national dialogue

In Sudan, who will participate in the dialogue organized by the Trilateral Mechanism constituted by the United Nations, the African Union and the regional organization Igad? A “technical meeting” between the political actors and the putschist soldiers is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8 in a hotel in Khartoum. But the civilian opposition and the main armed groups still refuse to participate.

The coalition of the Forces of Freedom and Change will not attend Wednesday’s meeting, nor will the Communist Party and the Resistance Committees. The Umma party and its historic rival the Democratic Unionist Party jointly declined the invitation as well.

In short, the civil opposition as a whole and the armed rebellions of Darfur and Kordofan agree on this principle that has been brandished on placards for months in the streets of Khartoum: according to a statement by the FLC published on Sunday, “”no negotiation, no compromise, no partnership” with the military. Any dialogue can only have the objective of “ending the coup and establishing democratic civilian authority. »

As it stands, the equation is therefore difficult to solve for the Trilateral Mechanism, assisted by the American Deputy Secretary of State, Molly Phee, who arrived in Khartoum on Sunday. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres could only call on Monday ” stakeholders ” at ” participate in good faith and to continue to work towards establishing an enabling environment “.

As for the leader of the putschists, General al-Burhane, he says he is confident and paradoxically “ close to an agreement “. But its only partners are the Islamists, hostile to the UN, and the former party of ousted President Omar el-Bashir.

And still in Sudan, the governor of the eastern state resigned on Tuesday. It was a demand of the demonstrators of the Bejas tribes, who therefore lifted the blockade of Port-Sudan which they had been holding for a week. Their demand is also for better representation within the authorities, within the framework of the ongoing renegotiation of the peace agreement with the rebel movements in the region.
