In Serbia, President Vucic is preparing for the mobilization of March 15 against power

In Serbia President Vucic is preparing for the mobilization of

Several hundred thousand people are expected this Saturday, March 15 in the Serbian capital, Belgrade. Students, spearheads of this movement against corruption, injustice and state violence, intend to maintain pressure on power, deaf to their demands for more than four months. In front of the presidential palace, a park requisitioned by the autocratic president, surrounded by tractors and metal barriers, arouses contempt, indignation or curiosity.

Of our special envoy to Belgrade,

The immense popularity of students, that nothing seems to be able to stop, is a huge challenge for the president Aleksandar Vucic who counterattacks. A camp, supposed to welcome “students” opposed to the blocking of universities, was installed in front of the presidential palace. The 3 hectare park took the look of a fortified area, occupied for more than a week by dozens of blue, khaki green or camouflage tents. Inside, several hundred individuals, mostly men in tracksuits, some in trellis, wearing red berets, veterans of the dissolved special forces.

“” What to say is a shame. A shame to have brought here members of a unit responsible for the assassination of former President Stambolic, who was removed, killed, then buried in the forest of Fruska Gora, which was demonstrated in courtis indignant Dusan Aralica, a retiree. The ex-members of Red berets Also murdered Prime Minister Zoran Dindic. Bringing out this infamous unit today is nameless ignominy…. But I don’t think there will be disorders. On the contrary, it will be a massive gathering, in joy and good humor ».

Read tooSerbia: determined, well organized, anti-corruption mobilization maintains the pressure on the diet

“” Le President uses them as a human shield »»

The park surrounded by tractors stings the curiosity of many passers -by. “” The people you see there are extras who pretend to be students, either for money, or to obtain or keep a jobexplains Ivana Stanojevic, who films the scene with his phone. The most terrible in all of this is that the president uses them as a human shield. »»

“” Information circulates that provocateurs and thugs will seek to cause incidentsshe continues. Violence will certainly not come from demonstrators and students, who since the start of the movement have shown that they were peaceful and non-violent. I sincerely hope that the extent of these events will discourage the disruptors. We must not give in to panic, which generates chaos. Chaos, nobody wants it. »»

The staging of the park and the tractors sent the day before the large gathering are mocked in Serbia By the population who has only one thing in mind: the day of March 15.

Read tooAleksandar Vucic, Serbian President in the face of an unprecedented challenge
