in Senegal, the possible military intervention of ECOWAS divides

in Senegal the possible military intervention of ECOWAS divides

Present in Abuja, Senegalese President Macky Sall was one of the ECOWAS heads of state who decided to activate and deploy the standby force of the West African community for the restoration of constitutional order in Niger – even if the door is always open to a peaceful resolution. But in Dakar, the use of force divides.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Dakar, Thea Olivier

We want lasting peace in Niger in Africa without a coup. The priority of the continent must be the fight against terrorism, security and development with employment for young people. (…) This is why, within ECOWAS, we are firm, this (coup) is unacceptable. If the Nigerien soldiers want peace, let them release the president (mohamed bazoum), that they return power for a return to constitutional order “, declared the Senegalese president after the announcement of the ECOWAS to deploy its standby force. Aissata Tall Sall, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, for her part, explained that it was the “ coup d’etat too many “.

In Dakar, a potential military intervention by ECOWAS in Niger is not unanimous. Several forums were published to oppose it. In total, more than 170 personalities from the world of politics and civil society have signed the one published by Seneplus. ” Such an intervention would be a regression in the course of history” and “the immediate future of Niger must be determined by the Nigeriens themselves. “, Indicates the platform notably signed by the writers Felwin Sarr and Boubacar Boris Diop but also by Birahim Seck, coordinator of Transparency International in Dakar.

Any intervention would lead to a disaster in the sub-region »

Politicians have also signed the document such as the deputy Mamadou Lamine Diallo or the former Prime Minister Aminata Touré. ” Any intervention would lead to a disaster in the sub-region “comments the former head of government. ” THE Senegal does not have the means to intervene militarily when the country has other emergencies to deal with such as the high cost of living “Explains the politician who still hopes that a solution will be found through dialogue.

The non-aligned MP, Thierno Alassane Sall, who had already opposed a military intervention in the National Assembly on August 5, made a statement again: “ ECOWAS has no legal basis to declare war on Niger which has not attacked anyone and interfered in any member state affairs “, estimates the former minister of Macky Hallwhich calls on Senegalese citizens to a peaceful march.
