In Russia, McDonald’s reopens under the name “Vkusno i tochka”

In Russia McDonalds reopens under the name Vkusno i tochka

A page in recent Russian history has just been turned. McDonald’s restaurants have reopened under a new name, Vkusno i tochka, which can be translated as ” Delicious, period “. They also have a new logo. And this Sunday, June 12, in Moscow, we had to wait several tens of minutes to compare the copy to the original.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Jean-Didier Revoin

After a three-month shutdown, orders are pouring in. Even if the burgers do not yet have their own name, it is clear that with the exception of the decoration, nothing has really changed, as Eva, in her twenties, explains: ” I liked everything. It’s like before, probably. I ate, but didn’t notice a difference. »

Businessman Alexandre Govor bought 850 McDonald’s in Russia for a confidential amount. He also undertook to keep the more than 50,000 current employees, under equivalent conditions for at least two years, to pay debts to suppliers and owners and to discharge current charges.

McDonald’s supply chains are local, hence the ease of transition. But some adjustments are necessary, such as the Big Mac sauce, for example, which is deposited. The vast majority of customers appreciate and employees are happy.

This is the case of Sofia, manager of now “Vkous i totchka”, which can be translated as “Delicious, period”, or “Delicious, a point that’s all”.

Sophie: ” We knew we were highly anticipated in the market, and everyone rushed. We have been waiting for this day for a long time, that’s why everyone is happy and in a good mood at work. »

The proliferation of this news in Moscow and throughout the country is one of the few visible signs of the changes awaiting Russia.

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