In response to its competitors’ announcements, Bouygues Telecom is upgrading some of its customers from 4G to 5G, at no extra cost and for life. And new offers also integrate 5G in order to attract new customers.

In response to its competitors announcements Bouygues Telecom is upgrading

In response to its competitors’ announcements, Bouygues Telecom is upgrading some of its customers from 4G to 5G, at no extra cost and for life. And new offers also integrate 5G in order to attract new customers.

The weather is not good at the moment for subscribers to mobile phone plans! With the exception of Free, all major operators have continued to raise prices in recent months, citing general inflation and rising energy costs. But that doesn’t stop you from having nice surprises from time to time!

On the occasion of the 2024 Olympic Games, Orange announced a few days ago that it would temporarily offer 5G to its 4G subscribers, without additional cost or change of plan, for a period of three months. It only took a few days for SFR to follow suit, by integrating 5G into all its mobile plans at no extra cost, and in a lasting manner (see our article). Enough to disrupt the market! It is therefore the turn of Bouygues Telecom, through its low cost B&You offer, to align itself with its competitors by removing as much as possible from its new packages any trace of 4G and by starting to switch some of its customers for free 4G to 5G.

5G Bouygues: 5G everywhere, almost for everyone

Many former Bouygues Telecom subscribers were surprised to receive an email informing them of a “new gig”, namely an upgrade: their 4G offer will automatically switch to a 5G package, without additional cost or handling. A support page gives us more information. The operator wants to be reassuring, ensuring that it is a “real gift to thank you for your trust” and specifying that it is impossible to refuse the switch. On the other hand, it seems that not all customers are entitled to it, since the page specifies that “you are one of our first lucky customers who we wanted to benefit from this upgrade which is personalized according to the package you have.” It is assumed that seniority should probably be a criterion.

Until now, the 5G option was billed at €3 per month. We note that almost all 4G plans from Bouygues and B&You have switched to 5G, undoubtedly for the sake of consistency and attractiveness. The only resistant ones are the packages at B&You at €1.99 per month for 2 GB and €5.99 for 20 GB. The other offers all offer 5G, namely 80 GB for €8.99 per month, 130 GB for €11.99 and 300 GB for €14.99. In each case, these are non-binding packages. For Bouygues subscriptions, all subscriptions are 5G. All that remains is to see how Free will react to these announcements!
