In pictures: Greece under a deluge of snow

In pictures Greece under a deluge of snow

Greece has been paralyzed for several days by exceptional snowfall, including in its mildest regions. In Athens, it had not snowed so much for more than 50 years.

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With more than 40 cm of snow on the capital Athens and 50 cm of snow on the outskirts, the Greece face an event weather report history that had not happened since 1968. The jet stream has been diving in the Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean for several days, allowingair polar to reach Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran or even Syria. In this context, the anticyclone is blocked over France, the British Isles and Spain, and depressions are forced to circumvent it: the disturbed weather is therefore found in Scandinavia and the eastern Mediterranean (in Greece and Turkey) .

The snowstorm affected all of Greece, including the milder areas, such as the Cyclades and Mykonos, giving rise to unusual and magical images last Sunday.

It was then Athens that was paralyzed by snow storms, forcing the city to declare this Tuesday as a day off and cancel all its flights! In this capital, temperatures dropped to -1°C on Monday morning and did not exceed 3°C in the afternoon, while the January average is 7°C in the morning and 13°C the afternoon.

Elsewhere in Greece, temperatures plummeted to -15C locally. In a context that remains disturbed and cold, it is possible that new snowfalls will again affect certain regions of Greece in the coming days.

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