in Peru, the president intends to organize early elections

in Peru the president intends to organize early elections

New President Dina Boluarte announced last night that she intended to hold early elections, after another day of protests. She also said ” the state of emergency in the cities most affected by the demonstrations, such as Apurimac, Arequipa and Ica “, after the death of several people, writes Peru 21 Police crackdown injured 14-year-old girl and killed two youngsters », complete La Republica. In her televised message, the president offered her condolences. Pedro Angulo, its Prime Minister, for his part affirmed that during a meeting on Sunday December 11, Dina Boluarte also stressed that the police would not use lethal weapons to disperse the demonstrators, reports Diario Correo.

Demonstrators who demand, during rallies “ massive », « the closing of Congress, and that the general elections be brought forward “, highlighted La Republica. As for the Congress, it is always open: Sunday, December 11, writes the site Radio Programas del Peruhe has “ approved the bill allowing the attorney general’s office to prosecute former president Pedro Castillo “. As for the elections, the president announced in a message that she wanted to bring the elections forward, from 2026 to… April 2024, specifies Peru 21.

► To read also: Peru: several dead during the demonstrations against the new president

Dina Boluarte until 2024?

The Primera recalls that Pizarro’s house, the government palace of Peru, ” was baptized “the soap house”, because whoever does not fall there slips “: in the past six years, six presidents have governed the country. “ One per year », headlines the editorial. Proof that “ Peruvian democracy does not work “, writing La Republica, who asks for a constitutional reform ” for ” a new balance of powers, a more representative Congress with strong parties and in the end a president and a parliament that last a good five years. ” If this doesn’t happen, the country will burn “, writes the editorialist. In the meantime, write Diario Correonew strikes and demonstrations are planned from this Monday [12 décembre] in Cusco “, in the south.

► To read also: The dismissal of Pedro Castillo, the final episode in a Peru that has become ungovernable?

Arrest in Lockerbie bombing

Abu Agila Mohammad Massoud was arrested and imprisoned by the United States. This Libyan is suspected of having assembled and programmed the bomb of the Lockerbie attack in Scotland, when a 747 had exploded in flight, killing 270 people in 1988. Among them, 190 Americans, recalls the washington postwhich states that “ prior to September 11, 2001, the Boeing bombing was the largest terrorist attack against civilians in the country’s history “. An attack ” which had led the United States to take sanctions against Libya, the FBI to organize its management of international investigations and try to protect the passengers of the flights “.

In Libya, the authorities claim not to have handed over Abu Agila Mohammad Massoud to the American authorities, writes the wall street journalwho adds: according to the Libyan news agency Lana, the Minister of Justice claims that he was illegally taken out of the country “. In Politico, the president of a victims’ organization, Kara Weipz, speaks of this arrest as a new ” overwhelming », of « a crucial step in a years-long process to bring those responsible for this despicable act to justice “. However, the mother of a victim considers in the Boston Globe that this arrest does not close the file: mourning can never be done “.

► To read also: Lockerbie attack: a Libyan detained by the American authorities

Brittney Griner and the others

Friday, December 9, basketball player Brittney Griner returned to the United States, exchanged for arms dealer Viktor Bout. USA Today looks back at the history of the American prisoner exchanges – and the one who was the first of them, the pilot of a U-2 spy plane shot down in 1962. These cases in which the United States tries to recover an American , held according to them wrongly by another nation, have increased since 2015 according to a specialist interviewed by the newspaper. Today, 60 Americans are still being held illegally – and publicly – in 18 countries, according to figures from the James W. Foley Legacy Foundationamong others in Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and Mali.

► To read also: United States-Russia: after the exchange between Brittney Griner and Viktor Bout, other negotiations?

Rapes in Haiti

Nancy Roc, a Canadian journalist of Haitian origin, has investigated violence against women in Haiti, during the international campaign conducted over the past two weeks, around the world, for the elimination of violence towards women. And Nancy Roc is indignant: after these 16 days of activism, ” no politician has taken a public position “. Title of the article: ” Silence, we rape in Haiti and the Haitian politicians don’t care! »

While in Haiti, the fear of gangs precisely prevents the victims from testifying or moving: “ talking about ten cases means there are 1,000 unreported “, according to a UNICEF official. “ Have our politicians lost their sense of humanity? asks the journalist, who harshly criticizes the Minister of Culture, affirming that, during her intervention in a workshop, she ” didn’t say a word about sexual harassment against women in political parties or more broadly on violence against women. Criticism also of Prime Minister Ariel Henri: “ he didn’t even mention the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25, on his Twitter account “.
