in Peru, the police raid the presidential palace

in Peru the police raid the presidential palace

Pedro Castillo’s sister-in-law was hiding in the presidential palace and now she’s on the run », headline El Comercio. According to the prosecutor quoted by the newspaper, Yenifer Paredes ” would be part of a criminal group in which she would have had an intermediary role “. A criminal group that set up illegal tenders “. The police stayed an hour in the palace without finding her, but ” from police sources she had gone there the day before “, highlighted El Comercio. La Republica asserts that according to the special team against corruption of the office of the prosecutor, Pedro Castillo in person would direct a criminal organization in which would take part inter alia the first lady and her sister.

And President Pedro Castillo reacted during a television address to this search. ” President Pedro Castillo does not respond to accusations against him, says it’s all part of a plan against him », estimates after his intervention the site Radio Programas del Peru. Peru21 notes that while the police did not catch Yenifer Paredes, they arrested yesterday, in the same case, the mayor of Anguia Jose Nenil Medina Guerrero, as well as, complete El Comercioa contractor and his sister for alleged participation in a criminal gang and money laundering. Peru21 releases a poll that finds 72% of Peruvians disapprove of the president’s anti-corruption policy.

► To read also: Peru: search of the presidential palace in search of the president’s sister-in-law

Venezuela wants to restore military relations with Colombia

In Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro wants to restore military relations with Colombia. ” The president ordered the defense minister to get in touch with his Colombian counterpart “, title Ultimas Noticias. ” Recallwriting week, that the president was unable to attend Gustavo Petro’s takeover ceremony last Sunday because ex-president Ivan Duque, with whom Nicolas Maduro had a major diplomatic conflict, prevented him from coming to Colombia “. But the Venezuelan president spoke with Gustavo Petro as soon as his presidential victory was announced. According to the Colombian president quoted by El Nacional, there are already rapprochements for a normalization of relations “, even if he denies the rumors of a possible meeting with Nicolas Maduro: ” we still have a long way to go “.

In any case, according to Gustavo Petro, this time quoted by The Patillain two months the border with Venezuela could be completely reopened “.

A border at the center of a possible reestablishment of military relations, which could result, according to weekby the military support that the two Nations must provide on the more than 2,100 kilometers of borders where drug trafficking, criminal groups, the ELN, the dissidences of the FARC reign. On the side of the Colombian press, The Spectatorin an editorial, warns: Attention (…): it is one thing to restore relations, it is another, very different, to give its approval to a regime which continues to violate human rights at will and imprisons the democracy of the neighboring country “.

Haitian migrants in the United States: “ dry foot, wet foot »

More than a hundred Haitian migrants were arrested off the coast of Florida. Information given by Alter Press. This happened on Monday, two days after the US Coast Guard intercepted more than 300 Haitians, still off the coast of Florida. This Wednesday, Rezonodwes summarizes an article from Miami Heraldentitled : ” Why are some Haitian refugees allowed to enter the United States and others deported? » « For the past five monthsexplains the newspaper, in at least four cases, Haitian migrants who dived to reach the beach, abandoning dilapidated and overloaded boats, were picked up by federal agents for processing – while those who remained on board were handed over to the US Coast Guard for repatriation “. A policy of ” dry foot, wet foot “, subject of concern for thirty years, explains the director of an association directed by the archdiocese of Miami: ” people jumping into the water to avoid being pushed back because they have been captured, it is very dangerous and always has been “.

Serena Williams announces her retirement

American tennis player Serena Williams announced yesterday in the newspaper vogue that, regarding his retirement, the countdown was on. ” TO its heyday – and it had several », notes the New York Timesthe former world number 1, now 40 years old, “ was one of the most dominant figures in the world of sport : able to outflank and intimidate opponents with full-powered blows and full-throated howls, often released at the appropriate time for maximum effect “. So analyze the Boston Globehis opponents used criticism and rejection as weapons – refusing to recognize his exceptional technical skills, only his physical prowess “.

► To read also: Tennis: American Serena Williams is now thinking of retirement
