In-person prenatal classes and the Well Baby Drop-in programs have been summarized in Haldimand-Norfolk.
“Prenatal classes are aimed at educating parents about the stages of pregnancy, what to expect during the delivery process, and pain relief options,” said Katherine McCurdy-Lapierre, director of communications for Norfolk County.
“The classes help participants understand all the possible situations they may find themselves in and help them to feel confident making choices in each situation to help ensure a healthy delivery for them and baby.”
She noted that research shows prenatal classes help to reduce anxiety women may feel about labor and delivery and can help new parents adapt more easily to life with a newborn.
“Prenatal classes assist in creating a strong foundation for parents and can contribute to positive future outcomes for them and their child,” said McCurdy-Lapierre.
Support for parents extends beyond the prenatal classes. They are now connected with the Healthy Growth and Development team, for whom parents can reach out to for any support they require in their parental journey.”
The health unit offers prenatal classes online at no cost for residents of Norfolk and Haldimand counties, while a fee is charged for in-person classes.
“We offer fee omission if attendees cannot afford the cost of in-person and would prefer that method, or do not have internet access,” said McCurdy-Lapierre, noting that the topics covered in online classes are similar to the materials and information taught in-person.
The next series of three in-person classes in Simcoe are Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 pm at the EarlyON Center at 12 Colborne St. N. in downtown Simcoe starting on June 28.
The classes are also available on Tuesday evenings starting May 30 at the EarlyON Center in Caledonia at 282 Argyle St South, Unit 4.
Following the birth of a child, parents can take advantage of free Well Baby Drop-In programs offered by the HNHU in partnership with local EarlyON Centres.
Public health nurses are available to answer questions and provide resources for such topics as breastfeeding and healthy eating, infant growth and development, and parenting strategies.
“During and after a baby is born, a lot of the focus is on the health of the baby,” McCurdy-Lapierre noted. “Our team knows the importance of the healthy moms too; thus, we place an emphasis on ensuring moms and caregivers are being cared for too.”
Public health nurses can offer to complete the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale if a mother expresses that they are struggling mentally or emotionally. The scale helps guide mothers and nurses to advocate for additional clinical assessment if it’s identified that their mental health concerns are more severe or unmanageable.
Having enjoyed visits to the Well Baby Drop-Ins with her older daughter, Rachelle Willson of Simcoe attended the EarlyON Center in Simcoe recently with her five-month-old son Adrian Eykemans.
“I wanted to get him more socialized and get my partner as well as myself interacting with more moms and dads,” she said. “With COVID we didn’t get to interact with a lot of people.
“Coming in to get the help from the health unit, and get him weighed on a regular basis, is an amazing opportunity for us to grow with him. They have so many programs here that helps them learn and grow in a mature way.”
Well Baby Drop-Ins are available at EarlyON centers in Caledonia, Simcoe, Dunnville, and Hagersville on a weekly basis.
Visit hnhu.org/clinics-classes/well-baby-drop-ins/ for more information.
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