In patch 10.2.7 there is a dark quest with an important player decision

The next WoW patch will have a very emotional quest of great importance. You have to make a decision that is really difficult for the night elves.

World of Warcraft Dragonflight introduced some of the most emotional and deep side quests ever seen in Azeroth. But Blizzard has apparently saved a very special quest series until the end, because it won’t come until the next patch 10.2.7.

It’s about betrayal, how those left behind deal with it and a pretty dark story.

Spoiler warning: If you don’t want to read anything about the plot of this quest from patch 10.2.7, then you should click away now.

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What is the quest about? The quest line begins in Bel’ameth, the new night elves’ capital near Malfurion. He wants us to speak to a young night elf named Kelestra. He had just allowed this elf to bury her family in one of the underground complexes.

Because Malfurion fears that this means Kelestra no longer has any of her family, he wants us to check on her.

After speaking to Kelestra, we help her collect special stones for the funeral as she tells her story.

Kelestra’s sister was a druid and was very happy about this because it would mean that she and her family could one day be buried together in one of the dens – a great honor for many night elves. But the day her training to become a Druid of the Claw was completed was also the day the Horde set fire to Teldrassil and destroyed Darnassus.

When the evacuation began, the path to Darnassus was cut off. Kelestra’s sister led her and her family to the edge of the top of the big tree and wanted the family to jump. The Druid would use her magic over nature to ensure that the family would land on the ground unharmed.

But things turned out differently. As the family jumped, Kelestra’s sister was hit by a burning branch and lost her concentration. The whole family fell from the tree without stopping. Her parents and brother died. Kelestra survived, seriously wounded, and thought that her sister had also died.

At exactly this point, Kelestra reveals her sister’s name: Koroleth.

Koroleth was the antagonist in the story of Ohn’ahra. (Image source: wowhead)

Who is Koroleth? Attentive players should still know Koroleth, as she appeared in the plains of Ohn’ahra during the main quest line. The night elf was the leader of the Primalists in this area and had quite a striking appearance. Not only was she bald, but she also had noticeable burn scars on her face.

Koroleth is responsible for turning the Nokhud centaur clan against his brothers and sisters and leading to a major conflict that ultimately culminates in the dungeon “The Attack of the Nokhud”.

Koroleth’s final goal is access to the Emerald Dream, which the Primalists wanted to secure.

At the end of the quest series, Koroleth is killed by the hero – us – and has never been mentioned again since then.

Two decisions with meaning

A druid named Rashan Stillbrook overhears this conversation and becomes angry with Kelestra. He tells her what Koroleth has done. As heroes, we also have the chance to make a choice:

  • You can tell Kelestra what role you played in the story – after all, you killed Koroleth yourself.
  • You can deny what you did and pretend you don’t know anything about it.
  • Kelestra can’t believe her sister would do something like that, so the journey continues to the Guardians who are holding some Primalists captive. Here Kelestra learns that Koroleth joined the Primalists after the Alliance signed a truce with the Horde.

    After Koroleth lost her entire family in the Burning of Teldrassil, her anger at the Horde was so great that she could never have made peace. Her bald head and the burn scars that Koroleth was known for were from the burning branch that had struck her.

    At the same time, however, the Primalists also reveal that the true goal of the primal incarnations, the destruction of the new world tree, had been kept secret from Koroleth. The Primalists knew well that if Koroleth ever learned that she was working to destroy another World Tree, they would immediately end their support.

    Kelestra goes to retrieve her sister’s body and returns to Bel’ameth to bury her. However, she is stopped on the way by Rashan Stillbrook and Malfurion.

    Rashan doesn’t want a traitor to be buried in the middle of his new home. Malfurion also admits that it was a difficult decision, as he did not know the identity of Kelestra’s sister when he agreed.

    Kelestra buries her sister – depending on what decision we make. (Image source: wowhead)

    Kelestra is now asking us to help her so that her family can be buried together in peace. And that leads to the final decision:

  • Do we help Kelestra convince the druids and bury her family together in the den?
  • Do we reject the traitor’s body and force Kelestra to bury her sister outside Bel’ameth?
  • When making this decision, the game even warns us with an additional security query as to whether we really want to make this decision.

    What are the consequences of the decision? Depending on what we decide, we can convince Malfurion.

    If we help Kelestra, Koroleth and her family will be buried in the building. As a result, Rashan Stillbrook disappears, angrily declaring that “his brother died fighting Koroleth. Where is his peace? Where is his righteousness?”

    Kelestra then buries her sisters and we can still talk to her. She speaks quite gently about her family and wants to remember Koroleth as a druid before the burning of Teldrassil.

    However, if we decide against the funeral, then Kelestra will carry her sister’s body out of town. Even if she doesn’t directly blame the hero for this decision, her words are clearly more frustrated and irascible – she’s angry and seems like Koroleth herself.

    It remains to be seen whether this decision will have a long-term impact and whether it will shape the development of Kelestra in future expansions.

    Another very good quest line from Dragonflight is about the blue dragons.
