in Paris, thousands of demonstrators launch the “feminist alert” against the RN

in Paris thousands of demonstrators launch the feminist alert against

One week before the legislative elections, tens of thousands of people, according to associations and unions, demonstrated this Sunday, June 23 in France to denounce the “ hazard » for women’s rights that a victory for the extreme right would represent.

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Many wearing purple – the emblematic color of feminism – between 13,000 people, according to the police headquarters, and 75,000, according to the organizers, demonstrated under the sun in the capital, at the call of more than 200 associations, NGOs and unions. In the crowd, a majority of women and signs displaying “ Neither husband nor boss, neither Marine nor Macron ” Or “ machismo breeds fascism “. And in the sound system, a hit by Clara Luciani, co-signer with several hundred artists of a platform calling for a barrier against the far right during the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

With her colorful makeup, Nina alone embodies the fervor of the event. The 24-year-old young woman is proud of her sign on which it is written: “ A bimbo against the fascists “. “ In other words, feminists against fascists, against the extreme right which has always been the driving force in dissolving our rights », she explains. Nina criticizes the National Rally in particular for its desire to revive the birth rate: “ Their vision of society is that women are there to procreate. And procreation, for them, means a return home. »

Flowers with fine lines tattooed on the arms, Lou denounces the facade feminism of Jordan Bardella. The president of the RN, who could become Prime Minister in the event of his party’s victory in the legislative elections, spoke this week to ” all the women of France » by affirming that he would defend in a “ unwavering ” their rights. “ It made my ears bleed a little », annoys Lou, who still has in mind the position of the RN elected officials on the constitutionalization of the right to abortion. Out of 88 deputies, 46 voted for, 11 against, 20 abstained and 11 were absent during the Congress in Versailles last May. “ I don’t believe at all that he speaks in the name of women or for women », she concludes.

Read alsoIs the National Rally, increasingly popular among women, a threat to their rights?

Every time the far right comes to power somewhere, they attack abortion rights »

The leaders of the CFDT Marylise Léon, and the CGT Sophie Binet also marched in Paris. Just like the Insoumise Clémentine Autain, the former Minister of Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem or the actress Corinne Masiero, journalists from Agence France-Presse noted. Also present, actress Judith Godrèche, committed against sexual and gender-based violence. “ Every time the far right comes to power somewhere, it attacks the right to abortion, I don’t see why there would be a French exception », declared Sarah Durocher, president of Family Planning, to the press.

But women’s rights are also a men’s affair. Hugo, 22, says he came “ solidarity » towards all those who risk “ to have problems » in the event of a victory for the RN. “ It is also a commitment that everyone must make. Whether we are men or women, we must take part in this fight against fascism », Considers Tristan, his little daughter in his arms.

A campaign that does not there is no debate of ideas, we stir up fears »

After two weeks of lightning election campaign, the time has already come for a first assessment. The demonstrators denounce a campaign dominated by invective. “ There is no debate of ideas. We stir up fears, we play on emotions. I feel like I’m running away », worries Camille, 28 years old.

For these left-wing voters, the presidential party’s strategy of putting the New Popular Front and the National Rally back to back does not work. “ We put the outrageous behavior of LFI and the anti-democratic ideas of the National Rally on the same level. », reproaches Thibault, 22 years old. This very young activist from the New Popular Front in any case notes the effectiveness of the speech. The hope of the first days following the formation of the coalition has given way to a deep feeling of worry. “ We realize how fractured the country is. It’s difficult to talk to each other. »

In the regions, 41 gatherings

In the regions, 14,000 demonstrators were recorded in 41 gatherings, according to police sources. The organizers announced: more than 100,000 ” on a national level. In Bordeaux, 2,000 demonstrators, according to the prefecture, marched behind the banner “ The far right must step back, not our rights “. In Toulouse, between 880 people, according to the prefecture, and 1,500, according to the organizers, demonstrated: “ Woman and young, double punishment ” Or ” Lesbians against fascism », We read on signs. There were at least a thousand of them in Lyon, some chanting, “ Sexist RN, feminist response “. Demonstrations also took place in Rennes (350 people, according to the prefecture) and Strasbourg (450 according to the prefecture).
