in Paris, students who risk expulsion are worried and are mobilizing

in Paris students who risk expulsion are worried and are

As the Olympic Games approach, nearly 3,000 students in Île-de-France are asked to leave their accommodation for the summer. Fifteen Crous university residences are requisitioned by the State to house law enforcement officers near the Olympic sites. More than half of the young people asked to be rehoused but the promised solutions remain unclear. They were mobilized on Saturday April 6 in front of the Ministry of Sports to demand the cancellation of the expulsions.

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According to questionnaires sent to the 3,000 students concerned, more than half asked to be rehoused. This is the case of Félix who comes from Marseille. And two months before the expulsion deadline, he still does not know where he will sleep this summer: “ We are not guaranteed to be rehoused, we do not know where or under what conditions. We risk only having places in the residences of Paris Nord which are very unsanitary, where there are cockroaches and bedbugs. »

A system of wishes has been put in place in order to distribute vacant accommodation in university residences on a first-come, first-served basis… Which will inevitably penalize students, according to Shane, elected to the board of directors of the Crous de Paris: ” The problem with this system is that it pushes students to leave as early as possible. For what ? Because currently, they have the choice of residences where there is space, but if they want to leave at the end of May, beginning of June, there will no longer be space everywhere. And for people who have a summer internship, a catch-up, their midterms, etc., they will find themselves in a situation with a 40, 50 minute commute and that will be too bad for them. »

Students to whom the State offered financial compensation of 100 euros and two places for the exams Olympic Games. Gifts very far from the current concerns of these young people who feel sacrificed by the Ministry of Sports, before whom they demonstrated this Saturday.
