In Paris, opening of special lanes for accredited vehicles

In Paris opening of special lanes for accredited vehicles

Starting this Monday, July 15, some roads in Paris will only be open to vehicles accredited for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. They are responsible for transporting official delegations, doctors, athletes and journalists to the competition sites. The goal: to be as efficient as possible, and to keep the promise made by Paris during its bid of a travel time not exceeding thirty minutes between two sites.

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One hundred and eighty-five kilometres of asphalt are affected. These axes link central Paris to the competition sites on the outskirts. Mainly in the north of the capital, these reserved lanes are indicated by road markings and fixed signs.

In the case of roads reserved for this use only for part of the day, they are indicated by dynamic signs, active only during certain hours.

135 euro fine

In addition to the vehicles accredited for the Olympic Gamestaxis and public transport are allowed to use them. Those who do not fall into these categories, such as bicycles, scooters and VTCs, but who use these lanes are liable to a fine of 135 euros. In charge of controls: video surveillance cameras and agents posted along the roads.

All accredited vehicles will be identifiable, equipped with a sticker and badges on the front and back of the vehicle. Their registration plates must be registered with the prefecture.

Among the roads affected, at the motorway level, the A1 between Roissy Charles de Gaulle and Porte de la Chapelle will include a dedicated lane to allow entry and exit from the Olympic Village. The same will apply to the A4 to the east of the capital, between Porte de Bercy and Collégien, near the Vaires-sur-Marne nautical stadium which will host the Canoe-Kayak and rowing events. To the west, in Yvelines, where several events will take place in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Versailles, one lane of the A13 will be prohibited between Saint-Cloud and Rocquencourt, as well as the A12. Finally, the ring road will also have a special Olympic lane, from Porte de Vanves to Porte de Bercy, passing through the north, as will the ring road around La Défense.

This system of Olympic lanes is planned until the end of the Paralympic Games, on September 8. After that, the city would like part of these lanes to remain restricted in use, reserved for buses or carpooling, but it will have to find a compromise with the State.

Read also“We’re going to have to close”: as the Olympics approach, Parisian shopkeepers are more worried than celebrating
