“In my camp, it will make people cringe”

In my camp it will make people cringe

The former 2022 presidential candidate announced her gender transition in Swiss media. From now on, her name is no longer Joachim but Eva Son-Forget.

Arms crossed, the former Zemmourist appears in a media photograph Blick. Her short hair gave way to a shaved head, highlighting the pendants hanging from her ears and the hint of makeup visible on her face. Looking fulfilled, she announces that she has started a gender transition. Her civil status documents have already been changed: under the gender label, there is an “F” and next to her first name, it is now written “Eva”: “It was not easy to choose , but I like Eva, a reference to Eve, created from a rib of Adam. She immediately got into mischief,” she jokes, in a nod to her former escapades and controversies. . This political figure was therefore formerly a man, Joachim Son-Forget, a young Macronist deputy in 2017 with a very winding career.

After a stint with the Socialist Party, the young man joined La République en marche, before coming under the aegis of Reconquête for Eric Zemmour’s presidential campaign. In 2020, the elected official relayed on social networks a link to an article revealing a sexual video of Benjamin Griveaux, then candidate for mayor of Paris. The scale of the scandal led the LREM deputy to give up the municipal elections. At ParisianJoachim Son-Forget had denied any intentions to harm him: “It was to warn him, I even sent him a message. I hate public lynchings.”

More recently, around mid-June, the former elected official refused to stop his sedan during a police check. While turning around, he even hit a parked vehicle before driving away at full speed. At the end of this chase, he was finally intercepted by the police and tested positive for cocaine. To Blick, Eva Son-Forget explained having been “forcibly hospitalized in Geneva” and having fled her canton to breathe: “I started thinking about my sexual identity. This change, this more feminine attitude, caused the ire of my personal and professional entourage who decided to initiate a process of compulsory psychiatrization against me, under fallacious pretexts”.

“This change is very important to me”

His radical choice will undoubtedly come as a surprise within Éric Zemmour’s party, which the former MP had joined with a bang. In 2019, Joachim Son-Forget claimed his “budding friendship” with Marion Maréchal, well known for her conservative opinions. The far-right MEP has also been targeted, since May, by six complaints for “transphobic insult”. In a message published on left is the erasure of women and mothers.”

For the moment, the MP has not reacted to Eva Son-Forget’s announcement. But on this subject, the latter has no illusions: “It’s clear that in my former Zemmourist camp, at the UDC and at the extremes, this news will make people cringe,” she anticipates. , mockingly. Despite these future reactions, the chosen one is ready to change her life: “This statutory change is very important to me. When your transition is recognized by others, it becomes reality. It is no longer an alcove secret “. Mother of three children, aged 17, 9 and 5, she wanted to warn them before announcing her transition in the media “so that they can defend themselves at school”.

To her detractors, accusing her of yet another communication stunt, she responds: “It is an approach which involves my life, which exposes me and my children. I would not speak openly if it were not crucial for me, but especially for others, weaker than me, who cannot assume their life as they dream of it. It is a call for tolerance and freedom of choice of one’s gender identity.
