in Marseille, Macron is betting on ecological planning

in Marseille Macron is betting on ecological planning

Emmanuel Macron was at a meeting in Marseille, this Saturday April 16, to launch the final stretch of his campaign. In a week, the French will go to the polls. The outgoing president hopes that the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in particular, will vote for him. He devoted almost all of his speech to ecology.

With our special correspondent in Marseille, Valerie Gas

Emmanuel Macron chose Marseille to say that he heard the message of the first round, that of those voters for whom ecology is a priority. Young people, especially.

In his home town, where Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top on April 10, the outgoing president therefore tried to prove that his next five-year term – if he were to be re-elected – would be that of ecology.

With a commitment: that the new Prime Minister himself takes charge of ecological planning, so dear to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the man with 22% of the vote, and whose postponements will make the difference in the second round.

Ecological planning is the policy of policies “, claimed Emmanuel Macron. A studied formula, supposed to show the importance given to it.

The same goes for the creation of two ministries, that of Energy Planning and Territorial Ecological Planning. Objective, said Emmanuel Macron: “ Make a more ecological economy, not less economy for ecology. »

This is how Emmanuel Macron wants to remain himself, by extending his hand, and also by warning against the one who is, according to him, climatosceptic. Namely his opponent Marine Le Pen.

For the president, April 24 is therefore also a referendum for or against ecology.

The choice is clear today: the extreme right is a climatosceptic project, a project which wants to get out of the current ambitions of climate Europe, which wants to destroy wind turbines; one of the only projects of this campaign, who do not believe in it. We believe in it, and we will!

Excerpt from Emmanuel Macron’s speech in Marseille

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