In Marseille, citizens mobilize to block the National Rally

In Marseille citizens mobilize to block the National Rally

In Marseille, Manuel Bompard and Sébastien Delogu of La France Insoumise won in the first round, but the National Rally came out on top in the city’s five other constituencies. Since the dissolution of the National Assembly, left-wing citizens have been mobilizing within a structure called the Citizen Reserve, to block the RN’s path a few days before the second round of voting.

2 min

With our correspondent in Marseille, Pierre Firtion

In Marseille, in the five constituencies where the National Rally comes out on top, the far-right candidates will be pitted against the left-wing candidates every Sunday, so the presidential majority is out. With the Citizen Reserve, there are leaflet distributions, door-to-door with one goal in mind: blocking the RN’s path.

This Thursday, July 4, there were about fifteen of them handing out leaflets for the socialist candidate around the entrance to Parc Chanot, a stone’s throw from the Vélodrome stadium. These are left-wing citizens, mostly in their thirties, many of whom had never campaigned in a political party.

But the fear of an RN victory pushed them to take the plunge, like Alix, 36 years old: “ It was a terrible blow to me and it was by talking about it around me that I came into contact with people who were doing it for the first time too. They told me “come, meet people”. So yes, it’s not easy, but we are together and we stick together. »

Convince the undecided and bring votes back to the left

Like this thirty-year-old, there are now half a thousand of them mobilizing daily to left-wing candidatesin several districts of the city. Door-to-door, posters, leaflets, the message is adapted to the functions of the districts and here in the 8th district of the Phocaean city, the objective is to try to raise awareness among right-wing voters and Macronists. An exercise that is not always easy. You got together with unsavoury people. You accepted people who create chaos in the National Assembly, no thanks “, a passerby told them.

But despite the difficulties encountered, Louise is convinced that this citizen mobilization will bear fruit: “ There are still a lot of people who are undecided or who don’t know if they are going to vote or who to vote for and there is really a way to bring back votes like that, we can see it. »

Voices that could make the difference in this constituency of Marseille where the results are expected to be extremely close.

Read alsoFrench legislative elections: rallies in Paris and several major cities against the extreme right
