In Mali, the Senegalese president advocates dialogue between the Alliance of Sahel States and ECOWAS

In Mali the Senegalese president advocates dialogue between the Alliance

The President of Senegal, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, was in Mali this Thursday, where he met with the Malian transitional president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, before going to Ouagadougou in the evening. A lightning visit which is part of a dynamic of strengthening historical links of good neighborliness, solidarity and multifaceted cooperation, and with an important symbolic value.

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With our correspondent in Dakar, Léa-Lisa Westerhoff

The image is strong. Bassirou Diomaye Fayedemocratically elected in suit and tie, next to the colonel Assimi Goïta, interim president in military uniform. “ It is the continuity of its good neighborly policy and an important diplomatic sequence », Analyzes a researcher.

Bassirou Diomaye Faye advocates dialogue and believes in African integration, says a source at the presidency. The president of Senegal has therefore invested itself with a mission: that of convincing the countries of the Alliance of States of Sahel to return to the ECOWAS. This double visit is part of this desire.

This is therefore a strong mark of respect from the Senegalese president who wishes to strengthen ties while relations had deteriorated significantly during the time of former president Macky Sall, who was very critical of the Sahelian putschist military regimes.

I understood the Malian position, which, although rigid, is not completely inflexible. From my point of view, we must continue to work with all stakeholders and not be discouraged from finding successful outcomes that allow us to strengthen integration.

The President of Senegal, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, in Bamako

Its youth, its democratic legitimacy and its stated rejection of the policy of sanctions vis-à-vis the AES countries are assets, according to several analysts.

Many files on the table

The other major issue is securing its southeastern border with Mali, avoiding infiltration by jihadist groups and maintaining good commercial relations with Mali. Senegal is its first economic partner. The arrival of sheep from Mali for tabaski and the progress of the restoration of the railway between Dakar and Bamako were also on the agenda of the discussions.

He has not made a public appeal regarding holding elections. According to a source at the presidency, “ It’s a matter of domestic politics. “.

The Senegalese president then went to Burkina Faso to meet with the president of the transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.
