In Mali, nearly 50 people died in an accident in an illegal mine Brief news

Mali is the world’s leading gold producer countries, and there are regular fatal landslides and accidents in the mining areas of the country.

In Mali, West Africa, nearly 50 people died on Saturday in an accident in an illegal gold mine.

According to AFP sources, the accident occurred in the area of ​​an abandoned mine in the western part of the country, which previously belonged to a Chinese company.

Police said that some of the victims had fallen into the water. Among the victims was a woman who carried the baby with her. The local authorities confirmed that the accident was due to collapse.

Mali is the world’s leading gold producer countries, and there are regular fatal landslides and accidents in the mining areas of the country.

In January, at least ten people died when a landlord took place in the gold mine in the southern part of Mali. Several people are still missing after the accident.

A year ago, more than 70 people died when the tunnel collapsed in a gold mine in the same area as a Saturday accident.

Mali is one of the poorest states in the world and authorities are trying to fight against unauthorized mining. Military courses took place in Mali in 2020 and 2021.
