In Madagascar, the issue of the loyalty of the next president of the National Assembly

Madagascar nearly 700 people gathered at the National Assembly to

In Madagascar, the 163 new deputies are due to meet for the first time in a special session this Tuesday, July 9, 2024. This session, during which the definitive parliamentary groups will be formed, must clarify the balance of power within the lower house. A new face, unsurprisingly from the ranks of the presidential coalition Irmar, will also have to take the head of the National Assembly, following a vote by the deputies.

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In this race for the presidency of the Assembly, the criterion of loyalty seems to take precedence.

The expected favourite, Marie-Michelle Sahondrarimalala, the former Minister of National Education, was comfortably elected as a member of parliament in Fianarantsoa, ​​in the south-east of the country. She has established a relationship of trust with the head of state Andry Rajoelina by taking the reins of his last presidential campaign.

Another name put forward, Justin Tokely… The sole candidate for power in Sambava, he was elected, without suspense, in this large northern city. Propelled to Minister of the Interior in 2022, he has stamped his authority on this position, in particular by limiting the right to demonstrate in the run-up to the elections.

Sensitive file

Reputed to be more volatile, MP Philobert Andriasy Milavonjy has nonetheless become a “ pure orange product ” by joining the regime in 2023. His candidacy for the perch would be unofficially supported by the core of pro-power independent deputies.

The choice of the number 1 of the lower house is a sensitive issue. The hemicycle remembers the fate of Christine Razanamahasoa who chaired the institution until March 2024. After her critical remarks against the regime, this former loyalist of Andry Rajoelina was dismissed from her functions by the High Constitutional Court.

Read alsoMadagascar: Independent elected officials at the center of interests after the results of the legislative elections
