In Lysytšansk, the dead are being collected for mass graves – three key news items in the evening and at night

In Lysytsansk the dead are being collected for mass graves

Lysythansky and Severodonetsky have been at the center of an attack by Russian forces in recent days. Russia has concentrated its forces in the eastern part of Ukraine, where it is seeking to take over the last part of Luhansk.

We gathered the key news related to the war in Ukraine last night and last night.

Governor of Luhansk: The dead are being massacred in Lysytšansk

Police in Lysyshansk in eastern Ukraine are collecting the bodies of the dead in mass graves, said the governor of the Luhansk region Serhii Haidai on wednesday.

He says that a total of about 150 people have already been buried in one of Lysytšansk’s mass graves.

Lysythansky and Severodonetsky have been at the center of an attack by Russian forces in recent days. Russia has concentrated its forces in the eastern part of Ukraine, where it is seeking to take over the last part of Luhansk.

Haidai has described the fighting as “very difficult.”

– The coming week is crucial, Haidai said.

He said he believed Russia’s goal was to take over the Luhansk region at all costs.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Ukraine is in dire need of rocket launchers

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleban according to Ukraine needs the most painful rocket launchers to respond to the fire of Russian troops.

Kuleba spoke at the Davos Economic Forum in Switzerland on Wednesday.

– The fighting in the Donbass region is very similar to the fighting in World War II, Kuleba said.

– Many villages and towns no longer exist. They have all turned into rubble by Russian artillery and rocket launchers, Kuleba added.

Speaking in Davos, Kuleba also criticized. He accused NATO of failing to help Ukraine after Russia invaded the country.

However, Kuleba thanked the European Union, whose support for Ukraine has been revolutionary.

Zelenskyi rejects the idea of ​​surrendering the territories against peace

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi rejects the idea of ​​Ukraine surrendering its territories for peace with Russia. Zelenskyi spoke about it in his daily speech Wednesday night.

– Many Western media have suggested that Ukraine should apparently accept a so-called difficult compromise and surrender its land against peace, Zelenskyi said.

He added that those proposing territorial transfers will not be able to see the ordinary people who actually live in the areas proposed for transfer.

According to Zelensky, “the oppressors who have been stuck for centuries are living in a time when attempts were being made to trade the interests of nations to appease the dictators’ desires.”
