There are tons of different ways to keep yourself busy in Lost Ark. You will already be shown a very popular one in the first city: the search for the Mokoko seeds. But what exactly are you collecting and why? The answer is provided by a book in the game itself.
What are Mokoko seeds? Most players are already familiar with the small, green, and fragrant collectibles in Lost Ark. You have to collect over 1,200 of these parts in Arkesia if you really want to have them all. You can then collect these rewards in the city of the Mokokos on the island of Tortoyk.
I’m certainly not telling you any secrets. If you’ve spent a few hours in Lost Ark, all of this is very clear to you. But a player on reddit has now found a book in the game that finally explains what Mokoko seeds are, why you collect them and why there isn’t a single one on the Mokoko island of all places.
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What Are Mococo Seeds Really? The reddit user Paulo27 found a book in the game that answers this question. The rare seeds are actually a type of egg. Inside the Mokoko seeds are unborn Mokokos that never saw the light of day.
Incidentally, mokokos are small, fairy-like creatures that you first encounter on the island of Tortoyk, through which the main story of Lost Ark also takes you. By this point, however, you may have collected hundreds of Mokoko Seeds and are wondering why exactly Tortoyk Island does not have any of the coveted seeds found when they are everywhere else in the world.
A giant had to sneeze
How did the mokokos get everywhere? At this point there is a brief story spoiler that happens around level 40. The island of Tortoyk, home to the mokokos, is actually a big sleeping giant. He provides the mokokos with their magic and brings the seeds to life.
Unfortunately, a long time ago, the giant Tortoyk had to sneeze very hard, which caused all the remaining seeds to be scattered all over the world. This is the explanation given by the book “Who Hid the Mokoko Seeds?” in the game. So the giant sneezed all the remaining seeds off himself and spread them around the world, and you can now collect them again.
The full text of the book can be found here:
Why are you collecting the seeds? By collecting the Mokoko Seeds on your journey, you’ll bring them back to Tortoyk where they can hatch and grow. So with every Green Seed you salvage, you bring a new Mokoko to life on Tortoyk, at least in theory. Which is also why you can collect your rewards there.
The book also goes over why some of the collectibles are so damn well hidden, even if they were just sneezed away. The anonymous author of the text wants to explain this, but the book ends here. That would have been too nice.
What do you think of the story? Do you think the developers planned it that way from the start, or is the book more of a desperate attempt to explain the never-ending collection in a meaningful way? Either way, it’s a quirky and funny storyline that lends a charming explanation to a dull fetch quest.
By the way, MeinMMO editor Alexander Leitsch says: “An MMORPG is so strong Pay2Win that I can only laugh at the criticism of Lost Ark and Black Desert”.