in Lima, demonstrators call for the resignation of President Castillo

in Lima demonstrators call for the resignation of President Castillo

The Peruvian opposition is still calling for the departure of President Pedro Castillo and new elections. At the head of the country for a year and a half, the president of the radical left is suspected of corruption and influence peddling. On Saturday, several demonstrations took place in the country. In Lima, there were a few thousand to demonstrate.

With our correspondent in Peru, Juliette Chaignon

In the center of Lima, hundreds of red and white flags, flags of Peru. The march brings together various groups and parties of the right and extreme right.

On everyone’s lips and on the sign of Tati, 78, a slogan: “ Fuera Castillo (outside Castillo, in French). ” I don’t agree with this incapable, corrupt and shameless presidentshe protests. He just steals, steals, steals, he’s corrupt. »

Behind her, the courthouse. A symbol of the six preliminary investigations that target President Castillo. Corruption cases involving also his relatives : “ let him and the congress go, together, the whole thing. Several ministers accused of corruption have already resigned for a year.

Juan, a former soldier, would have liked to see more people in the street this Saturday to bring down the president: “ we have to be in unison to make it go away. Here, there are still many people who are waiting for us to be in a situation as serious as in Venezuela to wake up. But it will be too late. »

So far, Pedro Castillo has resisted two impeachment attempts of Parliament. His case is not exceptional. In Peru, over the past thirty years, six presidents have already been prosecuted for corruption.

►Also listen: Journal of Haiti and the Americas – In Peru, police raid at the presidential palace
