in kyiv, the snow forces to maintain long power cuts

in kyiv the snow forces to maintain long power cuts

In Ukraine, the energy situation remains very precarious, while this Sunday, November 27, the weather conditions deteriorated further, with heavy snowfall in kyiv and central Ukraine. Public and private energy operators are struggling to repair the damage from last week’s missile strikes, but the snow and the cold are forcing very long power cuts in the capital.

With our correspondent in kyiv, Stephane Siohan

A ten centimeter thick layer of snow fell on the Ukrainian capital on Sunday. In all the districts of the capital, power cuts continue and plunge kyiv into darkness from the middle of the afternoon.

The country’s electricity producers estimate that they now cover 80% of the population’s needs, but due to the cold, domestic consumption is increasing and keeping the electricity network under pressure.

A ” very difficult week »

As a result, the operator of the city of kyiv estimates that the inhabitants of the capital benefit from around four hours of electricity supply per day, but the authorities are calling on citizens to limit their consumption as much as possible. Ukrenergo said power cuts would continue and demanded that people limit their electricity consumption. ” We would like to remind you that every Ukrainian who has access to electricity again can ensure that others can also benefit from it, simply by limiting their consumption. “, said the operator in a press release broadcast on Telegram.

With temperatures that will be negative throughout the week, the situation on the heating and water front will be one to watch. David Arakhamia, the leader of the presidential parliamentary faction and close to Volodymyr Zelensky, said on Sunday that the authorities and the army were preparing for a ” very difficult week “. He anticipates new Russian missile strikes on energy infrastructure still in working order.

►Read also: Ukraine: Lyman, a city that the Russian occupation has further fractured
