in kyiv, power cuts are now part of everyday life

in kyiv power cuts are now part of everyday life

Power cuts are more and more recurrent and longer and longer for Ukrainians. In question, the Russian strikes of an unprecedented intensity since the beginning of the war, with drones and missiles which target the electrical infrastructures. In the capital kyiv, which lives to the rhythm of power cuts, the inhabitants are trying to adapt.

With our special correspondents in kyiv, Aabla Jounaidi and Boris Vicith

Residents spent a quiet night, unlike previous ones marked by strikes. An evening and a night of respite and under an immensely radiant moon.

Because below, public lighting is still reduced, including in the center, to the point that driving in the street seems dangerous in places. The situations differ according to the districts, plunged more or less long in the dark.

In search of generators

The inhabitants follow on their telephone the program, not always reliable, of the cuts programmed by the operator in order to ensure the balance of the network. In recent days, it is the “unpredictable” strikes that have led to blackouts lasting several days in certain areas.

People have become accustomed to hoarding food, candles and external batteries. We are trying to find generators to last during the long hours without power.

►Also read: Ukraine starts 2023 as it ended 2022, under Russian strikes

The boss of a technology company was worried about whether he would find enough electric batteries quickly enough for his teams of developers, many of whom work from home.

The government calls for sobriety, it announces that it will distribute low consumption lamps free of charge, always with the hope of avoiding the collapse of the network while President Zelensky predicts the continuation of the strike campaign and the cold will settle again in a few days.
