in Kinshasa, the disarray of the displaced after the violence in Mai-Ndombé

in Kinshasa the disarray of the displaced after the violence

In the DRC, the province of Mai-Nombé has been plagued by inter-community violence for several months with attacks that have even spread to neighboring provinces. The situation has led to major population displacements, particularly to Kinshasa, which is just over 160 km from the conflict zones.

With our special correspondent in Nsélé, Paulina Zidi

Since yesterday, I haven’t eaten yet. asks a woman in Nsélé, a few kilometers north of the capital Kinshasa. There are a hundred displaced people from Kwamouth gathered on the terrace of a café to wait for a possible distribution of food.

In the crowd, there is Mangéré Basa. There since the very beginning of the tensions in June, she shows us that she was hurt when her village was attacked : “ It was June 22, 2022, I was injured in my hand, stomach and legs. It happened between 4:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. in our village. There have been 17 wounded and 66 dead. I was in the hospital, but I couldn’t pay the bill. »

I no longer have a family »

She also says that the chief of her village was killed and that a large part of the inhabitants fled. Since then, she says she has to fend for herself: “ I have no family, I no longer have a family. Here, I live thanks to the church, there is only the church. It is not normal “.

Eaten Basa therefore stays to sleep near his church. Today she hopes to get some food from this distribution, but tomorrow she does not know how she will manage to feed herself.

►Also read: In the DRC, refugees fleeing violence in Mai-Ndombe flock to Kinshasa
