In Kenya, protesters threaten to occupy Nairobi airport – President Ruto is demanded to resign | News in brief

In Kenya protesters threaten to occupy Nairobi airport President

At least 50 people have died in Kenya’s protests in just over a month.

Protesters who oppose and support the government in Kenya have clashed in the country’s capital, Nairobi, on Tuesday.

Demonstrators lit fires along the highway leading to Nairobi International Airport and sought to block access to the airport. The protesters have also threatened to occupy the airport itself.

The authorities have said that they have increased security measures at the airport. The police have also used tear gas against the protesters.

Protests led by mainly young demonstrators have continued throughout Kenya for more than a month. The protests started after the country’s government announced a drastic increase in wages. Since then the president William Ruto has canceled the increases, and fired almost his entire board.

However, the demonstrations have still continued. Protesters have opposed police violence and government corruption, and demanded Ruto resign from his position.

According to Kenya’s National Human Rights Commission, at least 50 people have been killed and 413 others injured in protests since June 18.

Sources: AP, CNN
