In Italy, the parties opened their election campaign – the far-right Italian brothers, the leader of the polls, criticized the EU and promised to eradicate illegal immigration

In Italy the parties opened their election campaign the

Parliamentary elections will be held in Italy on September 25. According to the polls, the conservative bloc is winning the election and Giorgia Meloni of the Italian Brothers party is becoming prime minister.

In Italy, the campaigning for September’s parliamentary elections really kicked off today, when the leaders of the main parties met at a debate in the city of Rimini.

Today was also the last day to notify the election authorities of the candidate lists.

The right-wing bloc, which includes the Brothers of Italy, La Lega and Forza Italia parties, leads the opinion polls by a clear margin.

It pushes for significant tax reductions in, for example, value added taxes on basic goods and energy, but also income tax.

Chairman of La Lega party Matteo Salvini criticized the sanctions against Russia today, and said they would increase Russia’s war chest.

Leader of the centre-left Democratic Party, former prime minister Enrico Lettaon the other hand, called for a unified European line in relation to Russia.

The Democratic Party’s solution to inflation would be to set a price ceiling for energy and offer income tax reductions to low and middle income earners.

The opening of the election campaign of the Italian Brothers party, which is leading the polls, in the city of Ancona received a lot of attention.

The party leader gave a long speech Giorgia Meloni criticized the European Union for focusing on trivial matters such as the regulation of eating insects instead of big issues.

However, Meloni, who is critical of the EU, emphasized that his party is not pushing for Italy’s departure from the EU. He hoped that the EU would take a more active role in the energy issue and propose an EU-wide price ceiling for natural gas.

The conservative bloc, which also includes the Italian brothers, has previously said that it supports Italy’s return to nuclear power. Italy’s last nuclear power plant was closed in 1990.

Meloni also promised to curb illegal immigration and get young Italians to play sports and thus get rid of drugs.

Meloni also amused his supporters by saying “Japan” in the middle of his speech, imitating what he thought Asians sounded like.

The Five Star Movement, which won the last election, did not participate in the event in Rimini. In its election program, it is said that the party is promoting, among other things, joint debt collection by the EU, a minimum wage of 9 euros and the rights of sexual minorities.
