In Israel, hundreds of thousands demand a hostage agreement – ​​the protests continued for eight nights | News in brief

Israel’s internal political storm continues as citizens demand actions from the government to release the hostages of the terrorist organization Hamas.

People demonstrate in Israeli cities for the eighth night in a row, the prime minister demanded Benjamin Netanyahu from the government to take action to release the hostages held by the terrorist organization Hamas.

It is the eighth night in a row that Israelis take to the streets driven by the same cause. In Tel Aviv, as many as 500,000 people packed the streets of the city, the organizer of the protests tells Haaretz media.

The protesters demanded that Netanyahu’s government conclude an agreement to release the hostages. Negotiations on the contract have so far been fruitless.

According to the Times of Israel according to an Israeli official source, it is possible that Israel will soon receive a new draft of the hostage and cease-fire agreement from the United States.

Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency CIA Bill Burns today called for an agreement as soon as possible to protect Palestinian civilians and hostages.

According to Burns, making an agreement and ending the war in Gaza will require “difficult choices and political compromises” from both Hamas and Israel.
