in his stronghold, Boris Johnson divides voters

in his stronghold Boris Johnson divides voters

Before the local elections on Thursday May 5, RFI visited the constituency of Uxbridge, that of Boris Johnson, located in Greater London. The Prime Minister is not a candidate, but it is against him that the Labor opposition has built its campaign.

With our correspondent in London, Emily Wine

The United Kingdom will vote on Thursday May 5. In Northern Ireland, the local assembly must be renewed. In the rest of the country, these are elections for certain local authorities. A very regional, territorial election, which nevertheless has the flavor of a test: in recent months, the Conservative government has gone through popularity crises, in particular because of the Downing Street parties during confinements.

A Labor candidate for Uxbridge Local Council, Jess Thurgur has spent the past two weeks knocking on doors to convince voters. ” Of course, we are told about very local problems: garbage cans, roads… But more and more people are telling us that they are struggling, that the cost of living crisis is making them suffer, that they have desire for change, locally and nationally. I really have the feeling that there is an evolution “, she explains.

Accompanied by party executives, Jess Thurgur tries to enthuse the inhabitants tempted by abstention. Targets of choice: the disillusioned with the government, like Nick, still undecided. ” I don’t want to vote for the Conservative Party anymore. I don’t care about local issues; for me, it is above all the national questions that disgust me with the party. There was the “ Partygate », but also, they broke their campaign promises by raising taxes. The government is a disaster. »

► To read also: “Partygate” in the United Kingdom: Boris Johnson challenged within his own government

But in Uxbridge, some remain loyal to the local MP, Boris Johnson, and to his party. Bill will vote Conservative: I like Boris, I think he does a good job. Admittedly, he shouldn’t have celebrated… But he got us out of Brexit, from confinement. Now let him run the country. The Labor Party has not controlled the Local Council since 1998.
