in his new book, Nicolas Sarkozy lectures Emmanuel Macron

in his new book Nicolas Sarkozy lectures Emmanuel Macron

This is a book that is already being talked about even though it has not yet been released. Nicolas Sarkozy publishes his third book The time of battles which recounts the end of his mandate, from 2009 to 2011. Publication scheduled for next week, August 22. But the former President of the Republic has already revealed the content in a long interview with the Figaro in which the former tenant of the Elysée does not spare Emmanuel Macron. Quite the contrary.

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Never had Nicolas Sarkozy been so critical of the man he supported in the last presidential election. ” Emmanuel Macron thinks he is the master of time, that’s not my opinion », Tackle immediately in the Figaro the former president. ” Time is not ours “, he warns, before lecturing his successor on the issues of the moment.


Ukraine first. Nicolas Sarkozy qualifies as ” fallacious » the promises to join the European Union made to President Zelensky. Algeria next. “ Let’s not try to build an artificial friendship between our two countries, warns, sternly, the former head of state. As for the riots that shook France at the start of the summer, Nicolas Sarkozy reframes Emmanuel Macron: “ No one can be surprised. »


Much more praise, however, towards the ambitious Gérald Darmanin, former LR, who, according to him, ” best managed ” violence. In his book, the former president goes even further. “ He is one of the most promising forties “, he writes. Before wondering if the Minister of the Interior will be able to take the final step, that which leads to the Presidency of the Republic? ” I wish himhe replies. Because he has obvious qualities “. Strong support, and a new affront to his former political family.

Read alsoFrance: condemned, Nicolas Sarkozy does not give up and defends himself in the “Figaro”
