In Goma, the population is anxious about the vagueness of the fighting

In Goma the population is anxious about the vagueness of

The east of the Democratic Republic of Congo and particularly Goma and its surroundings have been under pressure since fighting between the Congolese regular army and the M23 rebels moved closer to the provincial capital. The rebels claim in a press release the capture of Kibumba, one of the last security locks before Goma. What the Congolese army contests, which affirms “ contain the enemy ” in the zone. In Goma, this vagueness on the security situation accentuates the anxiety in the city.

With our correspondent in Goma, Coralie Pierret

After the panic of Tuesday November 15, activities resumed normally in Goma on Wednesday. The market was open, traffic flowing, and students even passed their exams. In short, in appearance, this Wednesday was a day like any other.

However, the fear is very real and is on everyone’s mind here in Goma. Wednesday afternoon, whilea rumor as the rebels’ rapid advance on the town spread, shots fired into the air caused widespread panic. This led to the displacement of thousands of people, mainly displaced people who had already fled the clashes between the rebellion and the Congolese army and who had taken refuge in Kanyaruchinya, a town at the gates of the provincial capital.

Fear of a repeat of the events of 2012

On Wednesday, these displaced people returned in part to their camp, according to Placide Nzilamba from local civil society. But this event is for him symptomatic of the anxiety that reigns in the city. Some residents have already packed their belongings and made plans to leave if the M23 reaches Goma. Others will stay no matter what. Still, the fighting has come closer to the city since Saturday, November 12 and is worrying the inhabitants more and more. Indeed, in Goma, no one has forgotten what happened in 2012.

Ten years ago, almost to the day, M23 rebels occupied the provincial capital for more than a week before withdrawing under international pressure. “ Today, the lack of reliable information contributes to panicking the inhabitants », deplores Placide Nzilamba, one of the leaders of civil society in the province of North Kivu.

Difficult for the Gomatraciens to see clearly and to know who controls what, when the two protagonists contradict each other.

►Also read: M23 rebellion in the DRC: meeting between the heads of American and Rwandan diplomacy
