In Gaza, civilians do not run away from bombings like in Ukraine – the researcher explains the reason

In Gaza civilians do not run away from bombings like

The border crossings are closed because Egypt and Israel do not want to accept refugees. In the background there is a concern for safety.

After Russia attacked Ukraine, the first to leave the country were civilians, women and children who were in danger.

However, now that Israel is destroying Gaza with airstrikes, no refugees have been seen going abroad.

asked a researcher specializing in the Middle East and Palestine From Mikko Joros From the University of Tampere, why the residents of Gaza do not flee the war.

Why don’t civilians living in Gaza go abroad to escape the war?

– Some are certainly afraid that if they leave their homes now, they won’t be able to return. They do have the right to return, but people don’t trust that it will happen, says Joronen.

– Another reason is, of course, that leaving is practically impossible. The border crossings to Israel and Egypt are closed, and even foreign citizens cannot leave Gaza.

Why is Israel not accepting refugees from Gaza?

– Now that a large-scale military operation is underway, the talks in Israel have rather been about how to get rid of the Palestinian, says Joronen.

– Politically, accepting refugees from Gaza would be very difficult. In Israel’s public discourse, attitudes and speeches towards the civilians of Gaza have been harsh.

– The majority of Gazans are already refugees, and they have the UN-granted right to return to their homes in present-day Israel. Accepting refugees would be accepting the right of return. Historically, Israel has not been ready for this.

Why does Egypt keep its border closed?

– Egypt is afraid that people from Gaza will settle more permanently on Egypt’s side, and Israel will not let them return, says Joronen.

– In Egypt, Gaza is seen as a problem created by Israel, in which they do not want to get involved. President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has proposed evacuating Gazans to the Negev, Israel.

How difficult was it for Gazans to leave the area before the conflict?

– No holiday trips abroad have been made from there. Leaving has been difficult. Getting visas and other permits has been difficult and time-consuming. Of course, Israel has not completely prevented the withdrawal. If everyone left Gaza, the problem would be solved from their point of view, says Joronen.

– The return to Gaza has also been made difficult. You may have to wait a long time to cross the border and there are many types of checks.
