in France, the RN confirms its advance and the nationalist push in Europe

in France the RN confirms its advance and the nationalist

Less than three months before the European elections, polls still show the far-right National Rally party in the lead in France. Marine Le Pen’s party is even widening its lead, according to the latest Ipsos poll for the newspaper The world, from Monday March 11. And France is not an isolated case: nationalists are on the rise throughout the European Union.

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In France, all the polls point in the same direction since several weeks. Latest, that of the Ipsos Institute for the newspaper The world published Monday morning: 31% of French people say they want to vote for Jordan Bardella’s list next June, a score much higher than that achieved by the RN in 2019, and above all up three points compared to the last wave in November.

At the same time, the list of the presidential majority carried by Valérie Hayer is down two points, at 18% of voting intentions. Follow much lower in the ranking, the PS lists of Raphael Glucksmann, ecologist of Marie Toussaint and that of LR François-Xavier Bellamy, in fifth position.

France is following the same trend as many European countries which are seeing a surge in nationalists and a decline in so-called “parties”. progressive “. There breakthrough of the Chega populists in the Portuguese legislative elections Sunday March 10 is the latest example.

But this does not mean that the nationalist right will be able to unite in the next legislature. They are today divided into two groups at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and their disagreements are numerous and sometimes profound.

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