In France, the far right trivialized

In France the far right trivialized

In France, the far right totaled more than 37% of the vote following the European elections. A historic score which illustrates an all-out breakthrough of the National Rally. Entire sections of the population slipped an RN ballot into the ballot box for the first time. The party has brought together profiles of voters who have until now been resistant to its positions.

It comes first in all regions, including in territories historically hostile to the far right, recording a surge in cities and rural areas. Never before has the national gathering benefited from such a wave. Its scale remains to be confirmed during the next legislative elections, called by the President of the Republic.

With our guest :

Jean-Yves Camus political scientist, co-director of the Observatory of Political Radicalities at the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, co-author of the book Political History of Anti-Semitism in France. From 1967 to the present day (Robert Laffont)
