in France, a mixed mobilization against the far right

in France a mixed mobilization against the far right

Nearly 22,000 people in France, including 9,200 in Paris, demonstrated this Saturday, April 16 at the call of around thirty organizations, according to the Ministry of the Interior. They call not to vote for Marine Le Pen on April 24 in the second round of the presidential election, without supporting Emmanuel Macron.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, 13,600 people mobilized in more than 50 demonstrations in the regions and 9,200 in Paris. The organizers meanwhile claim nearly 40,000 participants in Paris and 150,000 people throughout France.

In the Parisian procession, a student holds up her sign: “ Don’t vote for the fachos, France is going to dive under the Navy “. They are thousands to have come to say no to the far right “. While the polls announce a rather tight second round between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron.

The arrival of Marine Le Pen will be truly catastrophic from an economic and social point of view as well as for freedoms “, Says a protester.

Mobilization lower than 20 years ago

And yet, the mobilization is weak compared to twenty years ago, when the extreme right arrived in the second round of the presidential election for the first time. It was in 2002: the first ballot placed Jacques Chirac in the lead (19.88%), outgoing president, followed, to everyone’s surprise, by Jean-Marie Le Pen (with 16.86%). Socialist candidate Lionel Jospin only came third. At the time, the demonstrations had gathered more than a million and a half people.

Today’s protesters are worried. ” Racism has become something of the ordinary and the National Front (became the National Rally Editor’s note)became something ordinary and we forgot what could be “Explains this protester.

It has become commonplace somewhere to see a far-right candidate in the second round. I think that the policy that has been carried out has something to do with it either. “Adds another demonstrator who came to attend the procession in Paris.

Marine Le Pen, a fully assumed vote today

For this other demonstrator, twenty or even ten years ago, voting for the National Rally was a vote of shame, but today it is a vote that is fully assumed: “ And I find it very worrying the place taken by the extremes in general in France and in Europe at the moment. »

I think there is a form of rejection of systems and it is a serious crisis “Ends up saying this demonstrator who also came to the streets of the capital to show his opposition to Marine Le Pen.

Today, the Republican front seems to be eroding and in the procession, many demonstrators affirm that they will not vote on April 24th.

To listen: Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen target the Catholic electorate
